WBBSE Class 9 English Annual Exam Model Question Paper Set-1 | নবম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নপত্র সেট-১
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3rd Summative Evaluation
Class IX Sub : History
Time : 3 hrs 15 mnts Full Marks – 90
Name ________________________________
Roll ___________ Section ______________
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
I was on my way from Faizabad Railway station to Lucknow. I had arrived at the station half an hour in advance of the time for the train’s departure. I sat on a bench watching the monkeys frolicking on the trees and on the open platform. The monkeys descended now and then to collect half sucked mango stones and
the remainders of food from the platform. The younger monkeys sat on the boughs of neem and tamarind trees, ready to jump after any food that may be visible.
A. Answer the following questions: 2×4=8
(i) When did the author arrive at the station?
Ans. ________________________________
(ii) What did the author watch while sitting on the bench ?
Ans. _________________________________
(iii) Why did the monkeys descend now and then ?
Ans. ________________________________
(iv) Where were the younger monkeys witting ?
Ans. ________________________________
B. Complete the following sentences with information frombthe text : 1×4=4
(i) The narrator was going to _________________________.
(ii) “Frolicking” means ______________________________.
(iii) The younger monkeys were about to _________________________________.
(iv) The narrator arrived at the station and the train departed after ___________________________________
2. Read the following stanzas and answer the questions given below: 2×4=8
I saw three ships go sailing by.
Over the sea, the lifting sea,
And the wind rose in the moringsky.
And one was rigged for a long journey.
The first ship turned towards the west,
Over the sea, the running sea.
And by the wind was all possessed
And carried to rich country.
A. Answer the following questions:
(i) How many ships did the poet see?
Ans. _________________________________
(ii) When did the wind rise ?
Ans. ________________________________
(iii) Towards which direction did the first ship turn ?
Ans. _________________________________
(iv) Where did the wind carry the first ship ?
Ans. ________________________________
3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
Khudiram Bose was one of the great patriots of Bengal. He sacrificed his life for the freedom of his motherland, Khudiram was born at Midnapore on 3rd December 1889. He lost his parents when he was only 6 or 7 years old and so he was brought up by his elder sister Aparna Devi. He was educated at Tamluk Hamilton High School and Midnapore Collegiate School. From his boyhood Khudiram was extremely courageous. He gave up studies to join the Swadeshi movement at the age of 16. He organised a plot, in collaboration with Praful-la Chaki to kill Kingsford, the Chief Presidency Magistrate for avenging the harsh sentences passed by him against the nationalist patriots in Kolkata. Thebtwo boys threw bombs at Kingsford’s carriage which happened to be carrying
a European lady Mrs Kennedy and her daughter. Both of them were killed by mistake. Khudiram was sentenced to death. This great patriot died on the gal-lows on August 11, 1908.
A. Answer the following questions: 2×5=10
(i) Who was Khudiram Bose?
(ii) Who was Mrs Kennedy ?
(iii) Whom did Khudiram plan to kill ?
(iv) Whom did Khudiram murder by mistake ?
(v) Who was Kingsford ?
B. Complete the following sentences:
(i) Khudiram was born on ________________
(ii) Khudiram’s elder sister was ____________________.
(iii) He organised a plot with _________________________.
(iv) Khudiram was sentenced to death by ____________________.
(v) Khudiram joined the Swadeshi movement when he was _________________________.
(vi) From his boyhood Khudiram was full of __________________.
C. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements : 1×4=4
(i) Kingsford was an SDO.
(ii) Khudiram became an orphan at an early age.
(iii) Khudiram did not love his motherland.
(iv) Khudiram was born in Kolkata.
4. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions : 1×4=4
(i) __________ sun rises in the east.
(ii) I love to watch ___________ one-day match.
(iii) The Do jumped __________ the log.
(iv) Mr. Sen presided ____________ the meeting.
B. Replace the underlined words with proper forms to phrasal verbs given in the list below. Change the form if necessary. 1×4=4
(i) The enemy surrendered without a fight.
Ans. __________________________________
(ii) The child recovered in a month.
Ans. __________________________________
(iii) The police investigated the case.
Ans. __________________________________
(iv) Puja could understand what her sister said.
Ans. __________________________________
[List of phrasal verbs : look into, make out, come round, give in ]
C. Do as directed : 2×4=8
(i) You must work hard to be successful in life. (Change into a compound sentence)
Ans. __________________________________
(ii) My father said to me, “Do not pluck flowers.” (Change the mode of narration)
Ans. __________________________________
(iii) I will always remember you. (Change the voice)
Ans. __________________________________
(iv) Blood is thicker than water. (Change into an interrogative sentence)
Ans. __________________________________
D. Find words from the passage in Question No. 3 which mean : 2×2=4
(i) Brave _____________________
(ii) Taking revenge _________________
5. Write a letter within in 100 words to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking leave of two days for the purpose of attending the marriage ceremony of your elder sister. 10
You had been ill for three days. Write a letter to the Headmaster / Headmistress of your school seeking leave of absence for those days.
6. Write a newspaper report within 100 words on the effect of a devastating flood in your place based on the following hints. 10
(Hint: Kolkata: month of August – heavy rainfall – streets overflowing – trees uprooted, many slums flooded – spread of diseases and loss of animal’s life – remedial measures and rescue operatures taken.)
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Very nice.Thank you.