WBBSE Madhyamik English Question Paper 2024 Solved | মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র 2024

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WBBSE Madhyamik English Question Paper 2024 Solved | মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র 2024

2024 English Question Paper with answers for Madhyamik students of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education. Question and Answers of the question paper are given below.
মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা সংসদের অধীন মাধ্যমিক ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জন্য ২০২৪ সালের উত্তরসহ ইংরেজি বিষয়ের প্রশ্নপত্র।

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(Second Language)
Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes
(First 15 Minutes for reading the question paper only. 3 Hours for writing)
Full Marks : For Regular Candidates -90
For External Candidates – 100

Roll No. ______________________________

Name ________________________________

Registration No. ______________________

Answer All the questions in the space provided. There is enough space for the answers. However, extra sheets will be supplied by the Invigilator, if required.

Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.

Section-A-Reading Comprehension (Seen)-20 marks

Reading Comprehension (Unseen)-20 marks

Section-B-Grammar and Vocabulary-20 marks

Section-C-Writing-30 marks

Section-D-Supplementary (For External Candidates Only)-10 marks



1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

As he entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him. He would deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the day. There was a chance Samuel might do something during the course of the day to justify the letter.
Swami stood at the entrance to his class. Samuel was teaching arithmetic. He looked at Swami.
Swami hoped Samuel would scold him severely.
“You are half an hour late”, Samuel said.
“I have a headache, sir”, Swami said.
“Then why did you come at all ?”
This was an unexpected question from Samuel. Swami said, “My father said I shouldn’t miss school, sir.”
Samuel looked impressed. “Your father is quite right. We want more parents like him.” “Oh, you poor man!” Swami thought, “You don’t know what my father has done to you.”
“All right, go to your seat.” Swami sat down, feeling sad. He had never met anyone as good as Samuel.
The teacher was inspecting the home lessons.
To Swami’s thinking, this was the time when Samuel got most angry. But today Samuel appeared very gentle. “Swaminathan, where is your homework ?”
“I have not done my homework, sir”, Swami said.

A. Write the correct alternative in the given space to complete the following sentences :

(a) Swami decided to deliver the letter to the headmaster…………
(i) in the lunch break
(ii) after the assembly
(iii) at the end of the day
(iv) as soon as possible

Ans. (iii) at the end of the day

(b) Samuel got most angry while he………….
(i) taught the class
(ii) checked the homework
(iii) corrected mistakes in the classwork
(iv) checked the handwriting

Ans. (ii) checked the homework

(c) When Swami stood at the entrance of his class, Samuel was teaching
(i) Mathematics
(ii) History
(iii) English
(iv) Geography

Ans. (i) Mathematics

(d) Swami gave the excuse of headache for
(i) being absent from class the previous day
(ii) his irregularity in attendance last week
(iii) protecting his father from Samuel’s anger
(iv) arriving in school half an hour late that day

Ans. (iv) arriving in school half an hour late that day

(e) “We want more parents like him.” Here “him” refers to
(i) The headmaster
(ii) Samuel
(iii) Swami’s father
(iv) Samuel’s father

Ans. (iii) Swami’s father

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text : 1×3=3

(i) An idea occurred to Swami when ______________________________________


Ans. Swami entered the school gate.

(ii) Swami decided to deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the day because _______________________________________



Ans. there was a chance Samuel might do something during the course of the day to justify the letter.

(iii) Samuel was impressed with Swami’s father for ____________________________


Ans. swami’s father said that he should not miss school.

C. State whether the following statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’. Write “T’ for ‘True’ and ‘F’ for “False” in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also provide sentences/phrases from the passage in support of your answers :

(i) Swami felt sympathy for Samuel when he appreciated Swami’s father for sending Swami to school. [T]

Supporting Sentence : “Oh, you porr man!” Swami thought.

(ii) Samuel appeared very angry as he was inspecting the home lessons on the day Swami came late to his class. [F]

Supporting Sentence : But today Samuel appeared very gentle.

2. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow :

Once I crept in an oakwood – I was looking for a stag.
I met an old woman there – all knobbly stick and rag.
She said : ‘I have your secret here inside my little bag’.

Then she began to cackle and I began to quake.
She opened up her little bag and I came twice awake.
Surrounded by a staring tribe and me tied to a stake.

They said : ‘We are the oak-trees and your own true family.
We are chopped down, we are torn up, you do not blink an eye.
Unless you make a promise now now you are going to die ?

Whenever you see an oak-tree felled, swear now you will plant two.
Unless you swear the black oak bark will wrinkle over you
And root you among the oaks where you were born but never grew.’

This was my dream beneath the boughs, the dream that altered me.
When I came out of the oakwood, back to human company.
My walk was the walk of a human child, but my heart was a tree.

A. Tick the correct alternative to complete the following sentences : 1×4=4

(a) The poet crept in
(i) a garden
(ii) a burrow
(iii) an orchard
(iv) an oakwood

Ans. (iv) an oakwood

(b) The old woman appeared to be
(i) unjust
(ii) unsteady
(iii) unmindful
(iv) unfortunate

Ans. (ii) unsteady

(c) “You do not blink an eye” the expression suggests that human beings are
(i) indifferent
(ii) caring
(iii) aggressive
(iv) alert

Ans. (i) indifferent

(d) The poem explores the theme of
(i) conservation of forest and wild animals.
(ii) dreams and realities in the life of modern human beings
(iii) the integral relationship between human beings and nature
(iv) insecurities and ailments of an old woman

Ans. (iii) the integral relationship between human beings and nature

B. Answer the following questions:

(i) How did the oak-trees threaten the poet if he failed to promise to plant two oak-trees in place of every felled oak-tree ?

Ans. The oak-trees threatened the poet If he failed to promise to plant two oak-trees in place of every felled oak-tree, he would die.

(ii) How did the dream alter the poet ?

Ans. The dream altered the poet that his walk was the walk of a human child but his heart was a tree.


3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

The neglected irrigation canal passing through the heart of the Champdani town has become a matter of great concern for the residents. It is posing a threat to the environment of the town. The heavily-silted irrigation canal with practically no flow of water except during monsoons, is full of weeds, dirt and filth. Stagnation of water at different pockets of the irrigation canal has become a favourable breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies and rodents.

Moreover during the high tide and monsoons, when the Hooghly river is in a spate, the lock gates of the DVC irrigation canal are opened to allow back flow of water. The heavily-silted irrigation canal, with no capacity to hold excess flow of water, overflows, inundating a large part of Champdani town.

The drainage system fails to empty since the irrigation canal water finds its way into the residential areas through drains. The local civic body Chairman, Mr. Suresh Mishra, said, “The canal has been neglected for years. Intensive dredging must be conducted to restore the irrigation canal to its original depth. The dense layer of weeds, filth and dirt needs to be cleared off to stop stagnation of water. The DVC needs to pay attention towards the repairing and maintenance of the canal and lock gates so that they can withstand the massive water pressure during monsoons when the Hooghly river is in a spate.”

[Adapted from an article published in the Statesman dated 17th July 2023]

A. Tick the right answer : 1×6=6

(i) The passage is about
(a) a neglected irrigation canal of DVC
(b) the town Champdani and its residents
(c) the drainage system of Champdani
(d) the impact of a neglected canal on Champdani

Ans. (d) the impact of a neglected canal on Champdani

(ii) Residents of the town are concerned that the canal is becoming
(a) useless for transportation within the town
(b) a threat to the environment of the town
(c) dry throughout the year irrespective of seasons
(d) more useful for irrigation only during the monsoons

Ans. (b) a threat to the environment of the town

(iii) The canal has become a favourable breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies and rodents because
(a) there is no water in the canal
(b) the canal is full of dirt and filth
(c) the canal overflows during monsoons
(d) there is stagnant water in different pockets

Ans. (d) there is stagnant water in different pockets

(iv) The canal was dug for the purpose of
(a) drainage
(b) irrigation
(c) drinking water
(d) transportation

Ans. (a) drainage

(v) The siltation at the canal-bed caused
(a) increased capacity to hold water
(b) loss of capacity to hold water
(c) breeding of mosquitoes and flies
(d) back flow of water during monsoons.

Ans. (d) back flow of water during monsoons.

(vi) An appropriate title for the passage would be
(a) A canal losing its flow due to filth and dirt
(b) Neglected irrigation canal posing health hazards
(c) Irrigation canal inundating towns in monsoon
(d) Stagnant water causing health hazards

Ans. (b) Neglected irrigation canal posing health hazards

B. Each of the following statements is either ‘True’ or ‘False”. Write “T” for “True” and ‘F’ for ‘False’ in the boxes on the right-hand side. Also write suitable line(s) or phrase(s) from the passage in support of your answers : (1+1)x3=6

(i) The lock gates of the DVC irrigation canal are opened during monsoons only. [F]

Supporting Sentence : Moreover during the high tide and…… to allow back flow of water.

(ii) The canal disrupts the drainage system in the residential areas during monsoons. [T]

Supporting Sentence : The drainage system fails to empty… …the residential areas through drains.

(iii) According to the Chairman of DVC the canal has been neglected for r years. [F]

Supporting Sentence : The local civic body chairman, Mr. Suresh …neglected for years.”

C. Answer the following questions :

(i) What causes the inundation of a large part of Champdani town ?

Ans. The neglected irrigation canal passing through the heart of the Champdani town has become a matter of great concern for the residents.

(ii) Who is Suresh Mishra ? Whose responsibility is it to maintain this irrigation canal ?

Ans. Suresh Kumar Mishra is the local civic body Chairman.

It is the duty of the canal administration to look after the service, maintenance and repair of the irrigation canals.

(iii) What is needed to increase the depth of the canal and stop stagnation of water ?

Ans. Intensive dredging must be conducted to restore the irrigation canal to its original depth. The dense layer of weeds, filth and dirt needs to be cleared off to stop stagnation of water.

(iv) Why does DVC need to pay attention towards repairing and maintenance of the irrigation canal and the lock gates ?

Ans. The DVC needs to pay attention towards the repairing and maintenance of the canal and lock gates so that they can withstand the massive water pressure during monsoons when the Hooghly river is in a spate.



4. Write the correct alternatives to fill in the blanks:

As the temperature _____________ (had soared / soars / has been soaring) so high, it ______________ is advised / advised / advises) to take cool showers many times a day. People _____________ drink / drank / should drink) plenty of water.

Ans. Has been soaring, is advised, should drink.

5. Do as directed:

A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions :

We must consider _____________ unemployment problem with great seriousness and try to solve it ____________ the earliest opportunity. This would be beneficial ____________ our younger generation.

Ans. The, At / With, For / to

B. (i) I am too tired to walk. (Turn into a complex sentence) 1×3=3

Ans : I am so tired that i cannot walk.

(ii) The students are staging a play. (Change the voice)

Ans : A play is being stugged by the students.

(iii) The mother said to the boy, “Do not waste time on mobile phone.” (Turn into indirect speech)

Ans : The mother advised the boy not to waste time on mobile phone.

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. Write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right-hand side changing the form where necessary. There is one extra phrasal verb in the list : 1×3=3

(i) The robbers escaped with the ornaments.

Ans. kept away

(ii) The old man died in his sleep.

Ans. passed away

(iii) You must not hide anything from the police.

Ans. hold back

[pass away, keep away, hold back, make off]

6. Given below are the meanings of four words which you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side : 2×4=8

(i) risk or hazard

Ans. Thread

(ii) a sudden forceful flow

Ans. Spate

(iii) flooding

Ans. Inundation

(iv) removal of sediment from the bottom of a river

Ans. Drainage


7. Write a letter (within 100 words) to your friend who stays far away, describing your most favourite festival in West-Bengal : 10

8. Write a newspaper report (in about 100 words) about a train accident that took place in Balasore, Orissa, when Koromondal Express rammed into a goods train on 2nd June, 2023. You may use the following points to write your report : 10

Date : 2nd June, Time-7.15 p.m.

Place : Bahanaga near Balasore

Cause : Error in signal

Casualties : 285 death and 1000 injured. Relief work by locals and NDRF along with army.

Compensation : Announced by Government.

9. Your school is going to organise a sit-and-draw competition for students of Class VII-X. As the Secretary of the Student Council, write a notice (in about 100 words) informing students about this competition. Your notice must mention date and time of the competition, the last date to register students’ name and the theme of the drawing. 10




1. Add prefix with the following words to make antonyms : 1×5=5

(a) Agree : _____________________

(b) Social : _____________________

(c) Violence : ___________________

(d) Visible : ____________________

(e) Relevant : __________________

2. Write the nominal compounds ounds of the of the following expressions : 1×5=5

(a) A board used for playing carrom. _________________________.

(b) A coat that protects from rain.

(c) An engine which runs on steam.

(d) One who loves books.

(e) A box where lunch is kept. _________________________

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