পঞ্চম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি তৃতীয় পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন সেট-৪ | WBBSE Class 5 English 3rd Unit Test Model Question Paper with Answer Set-4

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পঞ্চম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি তৃতীয় পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন সেট-৪ | WBBSE Class 5 English 3rd Unit Test Model Question Paper with Answer Set-4

📌 1. পঞ্চম শ্রেণির সমস্ত বিষয়ের সমস্ত পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন Click Here


তৃতীয় পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন
পঞ্চম শ্রেণি
বিষয় : ইংরেজি
পূর্ণমান : ৫০ সময় : ১.৩০ মিনিট

Name ________________________________

Roll No ______________ Sec ____________


1. Read the following text and answer the given questions :

[Lesson 10, A Great Social Reformer, Page No. 106]

She is Begum Rokeya, a remarkable woman whose efforts considerably changed the state of female education in Bengal. Her full name was Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain. She was kind and generous to the disadvantaged women of Bengal, and extended her helping hand to the poor and the helpless.
She was the pioneer in setting up a school for the poor Muslim girls of Bengal. She strongly believed in the need of modern education for women.

Begum Rokeya was born in an affluent Muslim family. Though she never went to school, Rokeya educated herself through her own interest and efforts. She learnt Arabic and Persian at home and also received lessons in Bengali and English. Some great books written by her, both in Bengali and English, will be remembered forever.

A. Complete the following sentences with information from the text. 1×4=4

(a) Begum Rokeya was born ______________________________

Ans. in an affluent muslim family.

(b) She never went to ____________.

Ans. school

(c) She wrote some great books both in ____________________.

Ans. Bengali and english.

(d) Her full name was ______________________________

Ans. Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain.

B. Find out words with similar meanings from the text : 1×4=4

(a) giving freely : generous.

(b) in an unfavourable position : disadvantaged.

(c) path-breaker : pioneer.

(d) having money : in an affluent.


2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

One day, a deer was eating grass in a forest. He was saying, “My horns are very nice. But alas! My legs are thin and ugly. Suddenly a lion chased him. He ran very fast and went into a more dense forest. But he was unlucky. The deer’s horns got stuck into the branches of a tree. He could not move ahead. The lion caught and killed him.

A. Tick (✓) the correct answers from the given alternatives : 1×3=3

(a) The deer was eating- (i) straw, (ii) leaves, (iii) grass, (iv) paddy.

Ans: (iii) grass.

(b) The deer had nice- (i) legs, (ii) horns, (iii) ears, (iv) eyes.

Ans: (ii) horns.

(c) The horns got stuck into the (i) branches, (ii) twigs, (iii) bushes, (iv) flowers of the tree.

Ans: (i) branches.

B. Write T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes : 1×3=3

(a) The deer was happy with his horns.

Ans: T

(b) The deer’s horns got stuck into bushes.

Ans: F

(c) A leopard chased the deer.

Ans: F

C. Answer the following questions: 1×2=2

(a) Why was the deer unhappy with his legs ?

Ans: The deer was unhappy with his legs because they were thin and ugly.

(b) How was the deer killed ?

Ans : The deer’s horns got stuck into the branches of a tree He could not move ahead. So the lion caught and killed him.


3. Write ‘a’ or ‘an’ or ‘the’ in the given blanks: 1×5=5

(a) He always speaks ______ truth.

Ans. the

(b) Mr Sen is ______ honest man.

Ans. an

(c) The Ganges is _____ hooghly river.

Ans. a

(d) Have you seen ______ ow l?

Ans. an

(e) Grandfather gave me ______ doll.

Ans. a

4. Fill the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets : 1×6=6

(a) Last Sunday, Reba _________ (visit/visited) the zoo.

Ans. visited

(b) They ________ (drink/drank) coffee everyday.

Ans. drink

(c) Farmers _________ (grow/grew) crops in the field.

Ans. grow

(d) The boys __________ (enjoy / enjoyed) the football match yesterday.

Ans. enjoyed

(e) Subir ________ (sings/sang) a patriotic song yesterday.

Ans. sang

(f) We ________ (go/went) to school everyday by bus.

Ans. go

5. Fill in the blanks with proper words from the help box : 1×6=6

(Help box: huge, happy, loud, historical, excited, ferocious)

(a) We have many __________ places in our country.

Ans. historical

(b) Kaberi was very _________ in Kolkata when she saw the museum.

Ans. excited

(c) There are many ________ buildings in our town.

Ans. huge

(d) They were _________ when they returned to their hometown.

Ans. happy

(e) Keep away from the __________ animals.

Ans. ferocious

(f) There was a _________ noise in the classroom just before the teacher entered.

Ans. loud

6. Fill in the blanks with present continuous tense. 1×6=6

(a) Rina __________________ (study) for her exams at the moment.

Ans. is studying

(b) They _________________ (play) football now.

Ans. are playing

(c) She __________________ (eat) rice.

Ans. is eating

(d) I ________________ (work) on a special report today

Ans. am working

(e) Pinky ________________ (come) to my place today.

Ans. is coming

(f) Barun __________________ (walk) to school right now.

Ans. is walking

7. Fill in the blanks with the adverbs given in the list below: 1×6=6

(a) We opened the lid of the box ___________.

Ans. carefully

(b) The man was very poor. But he lived ___________.

Ans. honestly

(c) We should ____________ try to help others.

Ans. always

(d) Yesterday there was an accident __________ Renu’s house.

Ans. near

(e) Soldiers fight ___________ for their country.

Ans. bravely

(f) I __________ went to a zoo.

Ans. never

[List: very, never, always, carefully, bravely, honestly, near]


8. Suppose you went to a zoo with your parents and saw many interesting things there. Write five sentences to describe your experience : 5

[Hints: Name of the zoo-time of visit-animals and birds seen-eating habits-your experience.]

A visit to the Alipore Zoo

Last Sunday, I went to the Alipore Zoo at about 9a.m. with my family. The animals were being given food then. I saw the tiger, lion, leopard, elephant, deer, ape, giraffe and hippopotamus. We also saw different kinds of birds like Mackay and Grey parrot. The tiger, lion and leopard eats flesh so they were given beef to eat whereas sweet grasses were given to deer and girraffes. The apes and elephants were given bananas to eat. I loved the trip and now it has become a memorable one.

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