WBCHSE Class 11 English Solved Question Paper 2020 | একাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র ২০২০- Prosnodekho

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2020 English question paper with answers for class eleventh students of West Bengal Council Higher Secondary Education. Question and Answers of the question paper are given below.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা সংসদের একাদশ শ্রেণির ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জন্য ২০২০ সালের উত্তরসহ ইংরেজী বিষয়ের প্রশ্ন পত্র দেওয়া হলো।

(New Syllabus)

Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes
Full Marks: 80

Instructions to the Candidates :
1. Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.
2. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.
3. Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Class 11 English Mock Test 2020

Test Yourself (নিজেকে যাচাই করো)

1 / 20

(a) When Leela's mother noticed that Leela's gold chain was missing, it was

2 / 20

(b) Sir Mohan's tie was special because

3 / 20

(c) After marriage Jimmy wanted to go

4 / 20

(d) Mother Teresa began her Nobel Lecture with the prayer of

5 / 20

(e) The two sides of 'Art' are

6 / 20

(a) Early morning the air of London is

7 / 20

(b) To the rose the worm is

8 / 20

(c) In the poem "Brotherhood", the poet's fate is written by

9 / 20

(d) The wind blows in from

10 / 20

(e) To announce his presence the lover

11 / 20

(a) Aegeon came to Ephesus because he was

12 / 20

(b) Antipholus of Syracuse married

13 / 20

(c) Donalbain fled to

14 / 20

(d) The third spirit looked at Macbeth as

15 / 20

(e) Desdemona was the daughter of

16 / 20

(f) After the trial, Othello readily went to

17 / 20

(g) Sir Rowland De Boys was a trusted friend of

18 / 20

(h) When Duke Frederick banished Rosalind, Celia

19 / 20

(i) By nature Sebastian was

20 / 20

(j) Viola was introduced at the Duke's court as

Your score is

The average score is 70%


1. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given : 1×5=5

(a) When Leela’s mother noticed that Leela’s gold chain was missing, it was
(i) morning (ii) evening (iii) afternoon
(iv) noon.

Ans. (ii) evening

(b) Sir Mohan’s tie was special because
(i) it was a gift from his wife
(ii) it was gifted by a British soldier
(iii) it consisted the national emblem of India
(iv) it bore the emblem of the Balliol College of Oxford University.

Ans. (iv) it bore the emblem of the Balliol College of Oxford University

(c) After marriage Jimmy wanted to go
(i) North (ii) South (iii) East (iv) West.

Ans. (iv) West

(d) Mother Teresa began her Nobel Lecture with the prayer of
(i) St. John (ii) the Bible
(iii) St. Francis of Assisi (iv) the Gospel.

Ans. (iii) St. Francis of Assisi

(e) The two sides of ‘Art’ are
(i) painting and sculpture
(ii) fine arts and functional arts
(iii) sculpture and fine arts
(iv) painting and functional arts

Ans. (ii) fine arts and functional arts

2. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : 1×5=5

(a) What was Leela’s box filled with ?

Ans. Leela’s box was filled with catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils.

(b) Who according to Sidda was his previous master ?

Ans. According to Sidda, his previous master was a doctor living somewhere near the market.

(c) What did Lachmi take out from the brass carrier ?

Ans. Lachmi took out chapatti from the brass carrier.

(d) Who was Mike Dolan ?

Ans. A friend of Jimmy Valentine’s.

(e) Who cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph ?

Ans. People cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph.

(f) What according to Mother Teresa is the beginning of love ?

Ans. A Smile Is the Beginning of Love.

(g) Where did Sir Mohan have his suit from ?

Ans. Sir Mohan’s suit was from Saville Row.

(h) What did the clerk at the prison give Jimmy Valentine ?

Ans. The clerk at prison gave a railroad ticket and a five dollars bill to Jimmy.

(i) Who should accompany students in museums and picture galleries ?

Ans. Museums and picture galleries should be shown to students accompanied by teachers.

(j) “That is the blessing of God for us.”- What is the blessing’ referred here ?

Ans. The ‘blessing’ is referred to here that the increasing demand of adoption of children by childless couples.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each: 5×2=10

(a) How did Leela try to make Sidda write ? What was the result? 3+2

(b) “He was dismayed” – Who was he? When was he dismayed and why ? What did he do then ? 1+2+2

(c) “Ben Price investigated the scene of the robberies and was heard to remark…” -Who was Ben Price ? What did he say ? What did he know of Jimmy’s habits ? 1+1-3

(d) Why is ‘encounter with Nature’ important for the learners ? How can they be introduced to Nature ? 2+3

(e) Why did Mother Teresa say that the poor people are great people ?

4. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: 1×5=5

(a) Early morning the air of London is
(i) foggy (ii) full of smoke (iii) polluted
(iv) smokeless.

Ans. (iv) smokeless

(b) To the rose the worm is
(i) adorable (ii) deceitful (iii) loving
(iv) invisible.

Ans. (iv) invisible

(c) In the poem “Brotherhood”, the poet’s fate is written by
(i) the moon (ii) the night
(iii) Claudius Ptolemy (iv) the stars.

Ans. (iv) the stars

(d) The wind blows in from
(i) the ships on the sea (ii) the sea
(iii) the land (iv) the mountains

Ans. (ii) the sea

(e) To announce his presence the lover
(i) taps on the pane
(ii) clears his throat
(iii) lights the matches
(iv) whispers.

Ans. (i) taps on the pane

5. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : 1×5=5

(a) What is the object of Wordsworth’s celebration in the poem Westminster Bridge” ?

Ans. Wordsworth’s poems were a festivity of the natural beauty handed by the earth, and it’s therefore unusual to come across a lyric of his that so celebrates the beauty of man- made structures.

(b) What do the stars write ?

Ans. According to Octavio Paz,the stars in the sky writes the destiny of a man.

(c) How long is the sea scented beach

Ans. The sea-scented beach is one mile long.

(d) What does the word ‘dark’ in the expression ‘dark secret love’ stand for ?

Ans. “The Sick Rose”, the expression ‘dark secret love’ refers to the illegitimate love of the worm.

(e) What does the word ‘hail’ mean in the poem “Daybreak”?

Ans. The word ‘hail’ means greet but symbolically it means the wind greets the ship to advise the sailors to sail on.

(f) How does Browning describe the half-moon ?

Ans. In the poem, Browning describes the yellow half-moon as large and low.

(g) What does the expression “little do I last” refer to ?

Ans. The phrase ‘little do I last’ means that the poet will not last long, or that his existence is short or brief in the big scheme of things.

(h) Why is the rose sick ?

Ans. Poet William Blake says in the poem ‘The Sick Rose’, that the Rose is on the verge of destruction and decay, it has turned sick because the invisible worm has preyed on it.

(i) What did the poet never feel before he experienced that the morning ?

Ans. The poet never felt a calm so deep before which he experienced that early morning.

(j) What does the wind shout to the forest ?

Ans. The wind shouts to the forest to hang all its leafy banners out.

6. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each : 5×2=10

(a) What does the poet mean by “I am a man little do I last” ? What does he try to convey through the expression “the night is enormous” ? 2+3

(b) “Dull would he be of soul… Who says this and where ? Who prompts the poet to say this? What does the poet want to convey here ? 2+1+2

(c) What role does the worm play in the poem “The Sick Rose” ? 5

(d) “And a voice less loud…” Whose voice is referred to here ? Why is the
voice full of joy and fear? Describe the meeting. 1+2+2

(e) “It crossed the churchyard with a sigh” -Who crossed the churchyard ? Why did it sigh? What did the wind say while crossing? Why did it say so ? 1+1+1+2

7. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given ( attempt any five): 1×5=5

(a) Aegeon came to Ephesus because he was
(i) searching his sons
(ii) lost
(iii) searching his wife
(iv) searching his younger son.

Ans. (iii) searching his wife

(b) Antipholus of Syracuse married
(i) Adrian
(ii) Lucian
(iii) daught the Duke Menaphon
(iv) none of them

Ans. (ii) Lucian

(c) Donalbain fled to
(i) England (ii) Scotland (iii) Ireland
(iv) France.

Ans. (iii) Ireland

(d) The third spirit looked at Macbeth as
(i) an armed head
(ii) a crowned child
(iii) eight shadows of kings
(iv) a bloody child.

Ans. (iv) a bloody child

(e) Desdemona was the daughter of
(i) lago (ii) Casio (iii) Brabantio
(iv) Duke of Venice.

Ans. (iii) Brabantio

(f) After the trial, Othello readily went to
(i) Desdemona (ii) War of Cyprus
(iii) Florence (iv) War of Turkey.

And. (ii) War of Cyprus

(g) Sir Rowland De Boys was a trusted friend of
(i) Frederick (ii) the lawful Duke
(iii) Adam (iv) Rosalind.

Ans. (iii) Adam

(h) When Duke Frederick banished Rosalind, Celia
(i) felt very grief stricken
(ii) was undoubtedly happy
(iii) approved her father’s decision
(iv) turned rebellion.

Ans. (i) felt very grief stricken

(i) By nature Sebastian was
(i) coward (ii) weak (iii) brave (iv) clever.

Ans. (iii) brave

(j) Viola was introduced at the Duke’s court as
(i) a page of the Duke
(ii) a maid servant
(iii) officer
(iv) the Duke’s wife.

Ans. (i) a page of the Duke

8. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 100 words: 5×1-5

(a) Who rescued Viola from the danger of fighting a duel ? Why did he do so ? 1+4

(b) Why was Oliver proved an unworthy brother ? Why did Oliver wish to destroy Orlando ?

(c) What role did the handkerchief play in bringing about Desdemona’s ruin ? 5

(d) Why did Macbeth want to murder Banquo and his sons ? How was Banquo murdered ? 2+3

(e) Who were the two participants in the wrestling match ? Whom did Celia and Rosalind try to dissuade ? What was the result ? 2+1+2

9. A. Rewrite the following sentences as directed without changing their meanings: 1×7=7

(a) Training in drawing will develop their power of observation. (Change the voice)

Ans. The power of observation will be developed by training in drawing.

(b) The night is enormous. I look up at it. (Join into a Complex sentence)

Ans. I look up at the night which is enormous.

(c) The poet says, “The river glides at its own sweet will.” (Change the mode of Narration)

Ans. The poet told that the river glides at its own sweet will.

(d) She produced a two-anna bit from the knot in her sari. She dismissed
the coolie. (Join into a Simple sentence)

Ans. She produced a two-anna bit from the knot in her sari to dismiss the coolie.

(e) He The fellow, with his knowledge of the household, might come at night and loot. (Split into two simple sentences)

Ans. The fellow has knowledge of the household. He might come in at night to loot.

(f) I believe that we are not real social workers. (Change into an Affirmative sentence)

Ans. I believe that we are fake social workers.

(g) Our family is healthy, our family is united. (Change into a Negative sentence)

Ans. Our family is unhealthy, our family is non united.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions: 1/2×6= 3

Fine arts liberates our mind .…(1)…. the constraints of sorrow and conflicts ….(2)…. our daily lives ….(3)…. ….(4)…. world of aesthetic delight, while with its touch of magic functional art brings beauty …..(5)….. the objects of our daily use, and to our lives, and provides us ….(6)…. means of livelihood.

Ans. from, of, into, a, to, with

10. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on “Role of Smart Phones in the lives of Indian youth”. 10

[Hints: Introduction – What is a smart phone – place in daily life – features – advantages and disadvantages – conclusion.]


Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Give your story a suitable tille. 2+8

[Hamelin – A town in Germany troubled by many rats – actions – Mayor announced reward for killing the rats – A piper came – people demanded played his magical pipe – rats followed him – Mayor refused reward – played pipe again – all children followed him – never returned.]


The Magic Piper of Hamelin

The town of Hamelin was famous for prosperity. Once upon a time this prosperous town suddenly became infested with rats. The life of the dwellers became miserable at it. Foodgrains were destroyed by the rats. People began to show their grievances against the municipal authority. The municipal corporation was totally frustrated at their inability to control rats. Finally, the mayor of the corporation declared a handsome amount for controlling rats. There lived a piper who possessed some magical power. The piper, listening the amount, agreed to do the task with the magical power of his tune. The mayor of the corporation also agreed to pay the amount to the piper if he would be able to control the rats. One fine morning everyone came out of their household listening a sweet tune along the road. What they saw was something wonderful. The piper was playing his unique tune and all the rats were coming out of their holes and following the tune. Slowly the piper was leading the rats to the sea. Finally, the piper killed the rats drowning into the sea. The town of Hamelin was ratless then. After the killing of rats, the piper demanded his fees. But contrary to expectation, the mayor refused to pay. The piper tried to convince him, but all in vain. Then the piper became very angry and wanted to take revenge upon him. On the other day the piper began to play the reverse tune and all the children from every corner of the town came out and followed the piper. Gradually, the piper led all the children into a cave. The town became childless from then on.

Moral: The fruits of ingratitude may not always be sweet.

11. Draft a newspaper advertisement in not more than 50 words announcing the loss of your Madhyamik Mark Sheet and Admit Card. 5


Draft an advertisement for the classified of an English daily in not more than 50 words wanting to sell a space you have in a shopping complex. 5

12. A cricket coaching centre is opening shortly in your locality. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words providing necessary information. 5


A branded shoe-franchise is offering 40% flat discount on all items till stocks last. Design a commercial leaflet for this.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sigma mail

    This is very important and urgent 💯💯

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