WBCHSE Class 11 English Solved Question Paper 2014 | একাদশ শ্রেণি ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র ২০১৪

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2014 English question paper with answers for class Eleventh students of West Bengal Council Higher Secondary Education. Question and Answers of the question paper are given below.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা সংসদের একাদশ শ্রেণির ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জন্য ২০১৪ সালের উত্তরসহ ইংরেজী বিষয়ের প্রশ্ন পত্র।

New Syllabus

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes
Full Marks : 80

Instructions to the Candidates :
Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.
Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad
Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Class 11 English Mock Test 2014

Test Yourself (নিজেকে যাচাই করো)।

1 / 20

(a) Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of

2 / 20

(b) Jimmy got his pardon from the

3 / 20

(c) Mother Teresa began her Nobel Lecture with the prayer of

4 / 20

(d) According to Nandalal Bose, the vitality of art lies in its

5 / 20

(e) The interclass Zenana compartment was

6 / 20

(a) The person who passes without enjoying the beauty of the London morning is

7 / 20

(b) "Meeting at Night" is

8 / 20

(c) In the poem 'Daybreak', the wind asks Chanticleer to

9 / 20

(d) What do the stars write ?

10 / 20

(e) To the rose the worm is

11 / 20

(a) Aegeon was the merchant of

12 / 20

(b) Aegeon was separated from his wife because

13 / 20

(c) The daughter of the banished Duke was

14 / 20

(d) Rosalind disguised herself as a male and called herself as

15 / 20

(e) Duncan was the king of

16 / 20

(f) Lady Macbeth could not kill Duncan because

17 / 20

(g) Othello was highly esteemed and revered because

18 / 20

(h) Desdemona was the daughter of

19 / 20

(i) Viola was the twin sister of

20 / 20

(j) Olivia invited Sebastian because

Your score is

The average score is 73%


1. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given : 1×5=5

(a) Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of
(i) dust (ii) cloud (iii) moon (iv) stars.

Ans. (iii) moon

(b) Jimmy got his pardon from the

(i) President (ii) Governor
(iii) Warden (iv) Jailor.

Ans. (iii) Warden

(c) Mother Teresa began her Nobel Lecture with the prayer of
(i) St. John
(ii) the Bible
(iii) St. Francis of Assisi
(iv) the Gospel.

Ans. (iii) St. Francis of Assisi

(d) According to Nandalal Bose, the vitality of art lies in its
(i) status value
(ii) sense of beauty and order
(iii) money value
(iv) face value.

Ans. (ii) sense of beauty and order

(e) The interclass Zenana compartment was
(i) next to the guard’s van
(ii) just after the engine
(iii) at the tail end of the train
(iv) in the middle of the train.

Ans. (i) next to the guard’s van

2. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence : 1×5=5

(a) What kind of job did Sidda do in the Sivasanker household?

Ans. Sidda would wash clothes, tend the garden, run errands, chop woods and above all look after little Leela in Mr. Sivasanker’s house.

(b) Where did Leela’s mother find the chain?

Ans. The gold chain was discovered from a tamarind pot.

(c) What, according to Mother Teresa, is the greatest destroyer of peace today ?

Ans. According to Mother Teresa, the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion.

(d) “I was hungry – I was naked – I was homeless – I was unwanted.” Who said the words ?

Ans. Jesus said the above mentioned words.”

(e) What did Lachmi take out from the brass carrier ?

Ans. Lachmi took out a bundle of cramped chapatis and some mango pickle from her brass-carrier.

(f) Who is the investigator in the story “Jimmy Valentine” ?

Ans. Ben Price was the inverstigator in the story “Jimmy Valentine”.

(g) Whom did Jimmy Valentine rescue from the vault ?

Ans. Jimmy Valentine rescued Agatha from the vault.

(h) How does the absence of a sense of beauty harm a man ?

Ans. The absence of a sense of beauty deprives man of aesthetic experience and affects our health and mind.

(i) Where do the roots of art education lie ?

Ans. The roots of art education lie in the observation of nature and understanding of good works of art under expert.

(j) Where did Sir Mohan Lal wait before the train arrived ?

Ans. Sir Mohan Lal waited at the first class waiting room of the railway station before the train arrived.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each : 5×2=10

(a) How did Sir Mohan feel when he saw two Englishmen coming towards his coupe ?

Ans. Sir Mohan looked out of the window down the crowded platform. His face lit up as he saw two English soldiers trudging along, looking in all the compartments for room. They had their haversacks slung behind their backs and walked unsteadily. Sir Mohan decided to welcome them, even though they were entitled to travel only second class. He would speak to the guard.

(b) Narrate in your own words the experience of Mother Teresa in an old age home.

Ans. Council’s has discarded this Chapter in H.S. Examination – 2021.

(c) “That child-she can’t stand it long in there” – Who is referred to here ? Why was she in danger ? How was she saved ? 1+2+2

Ans. Agatha, the daughter of Annabel’s married sister, is referred to here.

Agatha was in danger because May, the nine-year-old girl, had shut her in the vault in a spirit of play. May had then shot the bolts and turned the knob of the combination as she had seen Mr Adams do. But the clock of the vault had not been wounded nor the combination set. In Adam’s opinion, there was not enough air in the vault.According to him, there was not a man nearer than Little Rock who could open that door. So Agatha was in danger.

On the loving request of Annabel, Jimmy took the task. And in ten minutes breaking his own burgarious record he threw back the bolts and opened the door. Thus Agatha was saved.

(d) How did Leela try to make Sidda write ? What was the result ? 3+2

Ans. At dusk, it was Leela’s turn to educate Sidda. She held a class for Sidda and it gave her great joy to play the teacher to Sidda. She made him squat on the floor with a pencil between his fingers and a catalogue in front of him. She had another pencil and a catalogue and commanded him to write. Sidda tried his best to copy whatever she wrote in her catalogue. But Sidda was incapable of playing the pencil.

(e) What is the difference between fine art and functional art ?

Ans. Council’s has discarded this Chapter in H.S. Examination – 2021.

4. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given : 1×5=5

(a) The person who passes without enjoying the beauty of the London morning is
(i) dull (ii) innovative (iii) imaginative (iv) busy

Ans. (i) dull

(b) “Meeting at Night” is
(i) a war poem (ii) an adventure poem (iii) a love poem (iv) a religious poem

Ans. (iii) a love poem

(c) In the poem ‘Daybreak’, the wind asks Chanticleer to
(i) sail (ii) sleep (iii) sing (iv) blow clarion call.

Ans. (iv) blow clarion call.

(d) What do the stars write ?
(i) The magnitude of the galaxy
(ii) Every human being’s place in the world
(iii) The insignificance of the human being
(iv) The immortality of the gods.

Ans. (ii) Every human being’s place in the world

(e) To the rose the worm is
(i) visible (ii) loving (iii) invisible (iv) noble.

Ans. (iii) invisible

5. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : 1×5=5

(a) What is described as the garment of the city in the poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’ ?

Ans. The city of London wears the garment of beauty in the early morning.

(b) “Unknowing I understand.” What does the poet understand?

Ans. The poet understands intuitively that he is too written.

(c) What do the stars control in the poem ‘Brotherhood’ ?

Ans. In the poem ‘Brotherhood’, the stars send the message of light and hope.

(d) Why is the rose sick ?

Ans. The rose is sick because it hasn’t understood what is happening to it.

(e) When did the worm creep into the rose’s bed ?

Ans. The worm enters the rose’s bed in a stormy night.

(f) How long is the “sea-scented beach” ?

Ans. The sea-scented beach is a mile long.

(g) How many fields will the poet have to cross before a farm appears ?

Ans. The poet will have to cross three fields before a farm appears.

(h) What did the wind say when it crossed the churchyard ?

Ans. While crossing the churchyard, the wind leaves a deep sigh to think that it ta not awake the buried.

(i) From where did the wind come in ‘Daybreak’ ?

Ans. In the poem “Daybreak” the wind came from the sea.

(j) Which city does the poet refer to in the poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’?

Ans. The poet refers to London in the poem “Upon Westminster Bridge”.

6. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each: 5×2=10

(a) Describe, after Wordsworth, the city of London as given in the poem ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’.

Ans. The poem Upon Westminster Bridge, composed by William Wordsworth on September 3, 1802 is a sonnet to celebrate the city of London. The poet sees the city as part of the natural landscape and creates a picture of calm and wonder in the early morning light. While the poert stands upon Westminster Bridge he perceives the city of London and considers it to be the most fairest place on the Earth. The beauty of the early morning is soothing and fascinating to the poet’s eyes. Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples look bright and glittering in the smokeless air. The sun shines brightly and radiates its golden rays upon valleys and hills. The river flows quietly and there is complete silence every where. The people are still in bed and the sense of quiet and peace entirely surrounds the atmosphere.

(b) What is the central idea of the poem ‘Brotherhood’ ?

Ans. Council’s has discarded this Chapter in H.S Examination – 2021.

(c) What does the speaker observe in the course of his journey to the farmhouse in the poem ‘Meeting at Night’? What does he do as he reaches the farmhouse?

Ans. ‘Meeting at Night’ is a love poem that holds a unique place in Browing’s lyrics As the title shows, it is about a meeting at night of a couple who are in love with each other. To meet the woman the man should have to cover a very long journey through the sea in his boat. He even has to walk through three farms until he arrives at a farm which is his destination place. He has to be very careful in meeting her because exactly they are not allowed to meet each other. That’s why the man comes to meet her at night and they should talk with a very soft voice. This poem is telling us about the process of relationship. It tells us about the secret journey made by the lover to reach his beloved.

(d) Justify the title of the poem ‘The Sick Rose’.

Ans. Council’s has discarded this Chapter in H.S Examination 2021.

(e) What role does the wind play in announcing the beginning of the day ? How is the final couplet different from the rest of the poem ?

Ans. In the poem ‘Day break’ the poet H. W. Longfellow has personified the wind The wind greeted the ships and asked the sailor to sail on as the night had gone and the day was approaching. The wind humid in the direction of land that lay far from the sea and cried awake in order to announce the arrival of the day. It asked the trees of the forest to uncurl their leaves in order to create a scene of festive mood. It even touched the wood-bird, folded wing in order to awake it and make it sing. It asked the rooster to crow to welcome the dawn. It even whispered to welcome the coming morning would inspire the farmers to do work.

In the final couplet we can see a great shift in the tone of the poem. The joyful and happy mood of the wind changes into a desperate mood when it crosses the church- yard. It does not wish to disturb the souls sleeping under the ground in the church- yard as it is not the hour for them to rise from their graveyards.

7. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given (attempt any five) : 1×5=5

(a) Aegeon was the merchant of
(i) Ephesus (ii) Syracuse (iii) Arden (iv) Menaphon.

Ans. (ii) Syracuse

(b) Aegeon was separated from his wife because
(i) they met with a sandstorm
(ii) they met with a violent storm on the sea
(iii) they got lost in the jungle
(iv) they were lost in the fair.

Ans. (ii) they met with a violent storm on the sea

(c) The daughter of the banished Duke was
(i) Celia (ii) Viola (iii) Aliena (iv) Rosalind.

Ans. (iv) Rosalind.

(d) Rosalind disguised herself as a male and called herself as
(i) Aliena (ii) Sir Rowland de Boys
(iii) Frederick (iv) Ganymede.

Ans. (iv) Ganymede.

(e) Duncan was the king of

(i) Ireland (ii) England (iii) Scotland (iv) France.

Ans. (i) Ireland

(f) Lady Macbeth could not kill Duncan because
(i) Duncan resembled her father
(ii) Macbeth did not allow her
(iii) there were guards sitting at the door
(iv) she was weak and irresolute.

Ans. (i) Duncan resembled her father

(g) Othello was highly esteemed and revered because
(i) he was dark in complexion
(ii) he was a valiant soldier
(iii) he could tell wonderful stories
(iv) he married Desdemona.

Ans. (ii) he was a valiant soldier

(h) Desdemona was the daughter of
(i) lago (ii) Cassio (iii) Brabantio (iv) The Duke of Venice.

Ans. (iii) Brabantio

(i) Viola was the twin sister of
(i) Orsino (ii) Sebastian (iii) Cesario (iv) Olivia.

Ans. (ii) Sebastian

(j) Olivia invited Sebastian because
(i) she mistook Sebastian to be Cesario
(ii) Sebastian was a rich man
(iii) she was in love with Sebastian
(iv) Sebastian was allowed to use Antonio’s purse.

Ans. (i) she mistook Sebastian to be Cesario

8. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 100 words : 5×1=5

(a) What did each of the three witches predict to Macbeth when he first met them? What did they tell Banquo ? 4+1

Ans. The two Scottish Generals, Macbeth and Banquo were returning from the great battle amidst thunder and lightning. On the way they were stopped by three witches. They were singing:

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair
Hover through the fog and filthy air.”

The first witch saluted Macbeth with the title of “Thane of Glamis”. The second witch saluted Macbeth with the title of the “Thane of Cawdor”. The third told him that he would be the king of Scotland .They predicted that Banquo would be “lesser than Macbeth and greater, not so happy but much happier.”
They predicted that Banquo would never reign but his successor would be the king of Scotland.

(b) Why did Othello decide to kill his wife and himself ?

Ans. Othello Promoted Cassio to the post of Lieutenant and it made Iago furious and jealousy because Iago was senior to Cassio and more fit for the post than Cassio. Anyhow, he wanted to take revenge against both Othello and Cassio. He could not tolerate that biased decision of Othello. Anger consumed Iago. He immediately planned and scandalized Othello’s wife Desdemona before Othello and made Othello believe that she had an extramarital affair with Cassio. Iago also proved her to be an unfaithful lady. Othello became very angry and out of suspicion and anger, he killed his wife Desdemona by strangulation.

After the murder, when he realized that he had made a blunder and found his wife innocent, he killed himself by stabbing.

(c) Why did Duke Orsino send Viola to Olivia ? What was Olivia’s reply ? 2+3

Ans. Council’s has discarded this Chapter in H.S. Examination – 2021.

(d) What was the law that prevailed in Ephesus ? What did the Duke say to Aegeon when he became a victim of the law ? 2+3

Ans. The cruel law that prevailed in Ephesus was that if any Syracusan merchant was found in Ephesus, he would be put to death unless he paid a ransom of one thousand marks.

When Aegoen, an old version of Syracuse was arrested in Ephesus he became a victim of the law. he had no money to pay the fine. But the Duke, instead of giving him a death sentence, instantly asked him to tell the story of his life and the reason for is being in Ephesus. On hearing the story The Duke was moved. He told Aegeon that though he had no power to alter the law or to pardon him, he gave Aegeon one day to try to pay the fine by any means.

(e) Who were the two participants in the wrestling match? Whom did Celia and Rosalind try to dissuade? What was the result ? 2+1+2

Ans. The two participants of the wrestling match were: a large and powerful man, who had been long practised in the art of wrestling, and had slain many men in contests of this kind; and a very young man (Orlando)..

Celia and Rosalind tried to dissuade Orlando.

That result was that in order to impress the ladies, Orlando put all his strength into the match and finally came victorious.

9. A. Rewrite the following sentences as directed without changing their meanings :1×7

(a) Lady Lal opened the brass carrier.(Change the voice)

Ans. The brass carrier was opened by lady Lal.

(b) “Tell me a story, Mother,” Leela said.(Change the mode of narration)

Ans. Leela told her mother to tell her a story.

(c) He met Miss Annabel Adams, and became more and more captivated by her charms. (Change into a simple sentence)

Ans. Meeting miss Annabel Adams, he became more and more captivated by her charms

(d) Fine art liberates our mind from the constraints of sorrow. (Use the noun form of ‘liberate’)

Ans. Fine art gives our mind liberation from the constraints of sorrow.

(e) He got his key and went upstairs. (Split into two simple sentences)

Ans. He got his key. Then he went upstairs.

(f) She produced a two-anna bit from a knot in her sari. She dismissed the coolie. (Join into a single sentence)

Ans. Producing a two-anna bit from a knot in her saree she dismissed the coolie.

(g) These days all trains are crowded.
(Change into negative sentence)

Ans. These days no train is empty.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions:

A week after …..(1)…. release ……(2)…. Valentine, 9762, there was …..(3)….. neat job …..(4)….. safe-burglary done …….(5)…… Richmond, Indiana, with no clue …..(6)……. the author.

Ans. the, of, a, of, in, to.

10. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on a festival you enjoy. 10

[ Hints: Name of the festival – season – time of the year – how it is celebrated – your feelings ]


Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Give your story a suitable title. 10

A little girl – got many gifts on her birthday – uncle gave money to buy toys – next day the girl went to the market – saw a little boy begging with his mother – both pale and hungry- the girl felt sad – bought food for the boy and his mother – spent all money for them on return, uncle asked about the toy – “Bought joy instead of toy,” the girl replied.

11. You have a flat in Kolkata which you want to sell. Draft an advertisement newspaper in not more than 50 words announcing the same with details of the flats. 5


Draft a newspaper advertisement in not more than 50 words announcing the loss of your Class X certificate and Mark Sheet. 5

12. A bookseller of repute is going to open a bookshop in your area. Prepare commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words announcing the same. 5


Prepare in 50 words a commercial leaflet for the upcoming tour programmes of a Travel Agency.

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