Class XII English Mock Test Online Set-4 [WBCHSE] | উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি মক্ টেস্ট।

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HS English Online Mock Test,

HS English Annual Exam Preparation Online Mock Test. আজকের বিষয় দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি বিষয়ের MCQ Mock Test. পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উচ্চমাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষায় সংক্ষিপ্ত এবং বহুবিকল্পভিত্তিক প্রশ্নোত্তর (MCQ) মিলে ৩০ শতাংশের বেশি নম্বর থাকে। অনলাইন মক্ টেস্ট MCQ প্রশ্নে পরীক্ষার্থীদের সম্পূর্ণ নম্বর তুলতে সাহায্য করে। ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন পত্রে মোট ১২টি প্রশ্ন থাকে, সবকটি প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিতে হয়। তাই ছাত্রছাত্রীদের সুবিধার্থে ইংরেজি বিষয়ের Online MCQ Mock Test-এর জন্য প্রশ্ন দেওয়া হল।

HS English Mock Test- 4

1 / 12

(i) Kalam's father would take him to the mosque for


2 / 12

(ii) The destination of the blind girl was

3 / 12

(iii) The Tsar promised the wounded man to

4 / 12

(iv) What made Rameswaram famous to pilgrims

5 / 12

(v) One hand of the soldier is on his

6 / 12

(vi) The beauty of the poet's friend surpasses the beauty of


7 / 12

(vii) The grasshopper takes rest beneath some

8 / 12

(viii) The Eye of Heaven refers to

9 / 12

(ix) The name of Natalya's dog is

10 / 12

(x) Chubukovs had put off their own threshing till

11 / 12

(xi) Lomov was adviced to lie on the kitchen oven and catch

12 / 12

(xii) Lomov was in his

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The average score is 73%


1. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers form the alternatives given: 1×4=4

(i) Kalam’s father would take him to the mosque for
(a) pre-dawn prayers
(b) Evering prayers
(c) mid-day prayers
(d) afternoon prayers

Ans. (b) Evering prayers

(ii) The destination of the blind girl was
(a) Dehra (b) Nainital
(c) Saharanpur (d) Rohana

Ans. (c) Saharanpur

(iii) The Tsar promised the wounded man to
(a) meet him later
(b) appoint him his bodyguard
(c) restore his property
(d) make him his servant

Ans. (c) restore his property

(iv) What made Rameswaram famous to pilgrims
(a) The Shiva temple (b) The mosque
(c) The Ganges (d) The Kali temple

Ans. (a) The Shiva temple

3. Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option form the alternatives provided: 1×4=4

(i) One hand of the soldier is on his (a) face (b) gun (c) breast (d) side

Ans. (c) breast

(ii) The beauty of the poet’s friend surpasses the beauty of
(a) Nature (b) spring
(c) winter (d) summer

Ans. (d) summer

(iii) The grasshopper takes rest beneath some
(a) weed (b) trees
(c) flowers (d) bushes

Ans. (d) bushes

(iv) The Eye of Heaven refers to
(a) Star (b) Moon (c) Venus (d) Sun

Ans. (d) Sun

5. Complete each of the follwoing sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided: 1×4=4

(i) The name of Natalya’s dog is
(a) Squeezer (b) Mironox (c) Guess (d) Ivan

Ans. (a) Squeezer

(ii) Chubukovs had put off their own threshing till
(a) October (b) November
(c) September (d) May

Ans. (b) November

(iii) Lomov was adviced to lie on the kitchen oven and catch
(a) ants (b) bees (c) black beetles
(d) grasshoppers

Ans. (c) black beetles

(iv) Lomov was in his
(a) early thirties (b) mid thirties
(c) late thirties (d) fifties

Ans. (b) mid thirties

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