Revision Lesson | Class-7 | Text Book Solutions [WBBSE]

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Revision Lesson | Class-7 | Exercise Solutions

Revision Lesson
Class 7 Activity Solutions
Tick (✓) the correct answer from the given options:
I am Nilofar. I am a girl. I study in class VII. There are forty girls in our class. Some are boys and others are girls. Sima, Fatima and Rohini are my friends. Fatima is the best student in our class. She is very fond of me.
Join the following sentences with ‘and’ or ‘but’.
(a) In India summer is hot but winter is cold.
(b) A mouse is a small animal but an elephant is a large animal.
(c) I have a pen and a pencil.
(d) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
(e) My father is both tall and lean.
(f) Bees are small but wasps are big.
(g) In a cricket match we need both a bat and a ball.
Odd one out
In each set there is a word that does not fit with rest of the words in the set. Identify and underline the word. One is done for you:
(a) Teacher, student, chalk, tall, duster
(b) Football, goal, beautiful, field, player
(c) Books, nice, pen, paper, table
(d) Red, apple, guava, banana, water-melon
(e) Rice, wheat, barley, cereals, golden
(f) Spinach, cabbage, tasty, cauliflower, onions
                       Activity – 4
Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct form of verbs:
(a) My English textbook has one hundred and forty pages.
(b) Our class have thirty students.
(c) My school has a big playground.
(d) We have a beautiful garden.
(e) All my friends have some interest in sports.
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and prepositions:
Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar lived in nineteenth-century India when very few people went to school. He founded a school in Calcutta which was later was known as Vidyasagar College. He wrote a Bengali primer which is used even today. We are proud of Vidyasagar for his great work in the field of education.
Underline the correct form of verbs:
(a) The sun rises in the east.
(b) When do you go to school?
(c) Two and two make four.
(d) The great scholar Bopedev wrote ‘Mugdha Bodh’.
(e) Robert Bruce fought hard to regain his kingdom.
Write the opposite of the following words:
good — bad, fat — thin, wise — fool,
dull — bright, old — young,
warm — cold,  kind — unkind,
happy — sad,   tall — short.
                       Activity – 8
Make new sentences by joining ‘—less’ to the words in the given box and fill in the blanks:
[help, harm, rest, power, meaning, color, home]
(a) Water is a colorless liquid.
(b) Rita was restless as she had a fever.
(c) People often become helpless during a natural calamity.
(d) A snake is harmless if not disturbed.
(e) The king became powerless after his brother betrayed him.
(f) A sentence is meaningless without a verb.
                         Activity – 9
Your friend has written this passage. But there are mistakes in every line. Underline the mistakes and correct them.
               The History of Chess
        (উত্তর বন্ধনীর মধ্যে দেওয়া আছে)
Almost two thousand years ago a board- game was played at (in) India. It was call (called) Chaturanga. It was very popular among kings, warriors, and scholars. Chaturanga mean (means) four limbs. It represents the four groups of the army: the warriors who fought on elephants, the cavalry, the charioteers, and the infantry. From India, the game meant to the (delete the) Persia where it was called Shatrary. Some of the words we now use in chess were use (used) in Persia. The term, ‘checkmate’, was earlier call (called) ‘Shah Mat’ or ‘the king is dead. From Persia, the game went to the (delete the) Europe. The game was been (delete been) called chess.
                    Activity – 10
What do we call the people who live in the following countries ?
Country            Nationality
India                    Indian
Iran                      Iranian
Italy                      Italian
Russia                  Russian
Canada                Canadian
America              American
China                     Chinese
Nepal                    Nepalese
Japan                     Japanese
Pakistan               Pakistani
England                 English
                       Activity – 11
Make sentences with the following adverbs:
1. slowly : Don’t walk slowly or you will miss the bus.
2. fast : The boy learns everything very fast.
3. now : I want my money now!
4. often : He often visited the temple.
5. sometimes : It is good to fast sometimes.
                       Activity – 12
Write the past forms of the following words: [put, meet, jump, sleep, cry, kneel]
Present form      Past form
put                     Put
meet                  met
jump                 jumped
sleep                  slept
cry                     cried
kneel                 knelt
                        Activity – 13
Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct verbs :
(a) They are going to school.
(b) He lives within his means.
(c) She and her friends went to the picnic yesterday.
(d) Rahim and were eating when the bell rang.
(e) The striker scored a goal in the football match.
                       Activity -14
Classify the following Nouns in the chart:
given below.
Common Noun : cow, girl, dog, teacher
Proper Noun : Vidyasagar, Robert Bruce, Rabindranath
Material Noun : Television, chalk, ring, table, bench, football
Abstract Noun : honesty, friendship, truthfulness, enmity
Collective Noun : fleet, herd, class
Sabeena is my best friend. Irfan and Imran are her brothers. They read in primary school. Her father is Kazi Nurul. He works in an office. Shakeela is her mother. She is a housewife. On her father’s side, her grandfather and grandmother are Kazi Abdul and Nargis.
সাবিনা হল আমার সবচেয়ে ভালো বন্ধু। ইরফান ও ইমরান হল তার ভাই। তারা প্রাইমারি স্কুলে পড়ে। তার বাবা হলেন কাজী নুরুল। তিনি একটি অফিসে কাজ করেন। শাকিলা হলেন তার মা। তিনি একজন গৃহবধূ। তার বাবার দিক থেকে তার দাদু ও ঠাকুমা হলেন কাজী আবদুল ও নার্গিস।
Write a short story in about 60 words using the following hints:
                A Thirsty Crow
It used to be a warm summer time day. A thirsty crow was once searching for water. As all the ponds had been dry he should locate none. At ultimate he determined a pitcher. There used to be some water at the bottom. He could not attain it. Suddenly, the crow concept of a way. He gathered some pebbles and dropped these in the pitcher. Gradually the water degree rose and he quenched his thirst.
Moral: Apply your knowledge to overcome the situation.
                                     (100 words)
                 একটি তৃষ্ণার্ত কাক
গ্রীষ্মকালের খুব গরম একটা দিন। একটি তৃষ্ণার্ত কাক জল খুঁজছিল। যেহেতু সমস্ত পুকুর শুকনো ছিল সে কোথাও জল পেল না। অবশেষে সে একটি পাত্র খুঁজে পেল। একেবারে পাত্রের নীচে কিছুটা জল ছিল। কিছুতেই সে জল অবধি পৌঁছোতে পারল না। হঠাৎ কাকটি একটি উপায় ভাবল। সে কিছু নুড়ি জোগাড় করে সেগুলিকে পাত্রের মধ্যে ফেলতে লাগল। ক্রমশ জলতল উঠে এল এবং সে তৃষ্ণা নিবারণ করল।
নীতিকথাঃ অবস্থাকে জয় করার জন্য বুদ্ধির প্রয়োগ করো।

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