WBBSE Class 7 English First Unit Test Question Paper With Answer set-3 | সপ্তম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি প্রথম পর্যায় ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন সেট-৩

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মধ্যশিক্ষা পর্ষদ প্রদত্ত নমুনা প্রশ্নপত্র

First Summative Evaluation
Class 7 Sub – English
Time: 30 mts. Full Marks- 15


1. Read the following passage:

The king of Kings, Emperor Akbar, who ruled over India was a great lover of arts, sciences, literature and music. One day, on a fine morning, he was walking in his vast garden. His garden was lined with trees that produced the tastiest and juiciest fruits in the whole kingdom. There were flowers of all shapes and sizes in his garden. He had his most trusted and favourite minister Birbal with him.
But the great Emperor Akbar did not have peace of mind, the quality without which no one, not even the king of kings, can appreciate beauty.
Wise Birbal, noticing this, asked Akbar, “O great and powerful King, what is troubling you? You do not seem to be your usual self, for my king never fails to enjoy the beauty of the greatest kingdom this earth has ever seen.”
Akbar replied, “Birbal, my dearest friend, you are right. There is indeed a riddle that has been troubling me. An idle thought, which came to me in passing, is now my cause of worry. I am troubled because I cannot find an answer
to a simple question-what is the fastest thing on this planet? Birbal said, “Is that all, your Majesty? Call your courtiers together. Let us see if one of them can answer. If not, then I am certain I can tell you of the fastest thing on the planet.

A. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements in the given boxes. Provide supporting sentences / phrases / words. 2×2=4

(i) Emperor Akbar was a great lover of sports. (False)

S.S – Emperor Akbar …… great lover of arts, Sciences, literature and music.

(ii) A riddle was troubling emperor Akbar. (True)

S.S – Akbar replied …… There is indeed a little that has been troubling me.

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text: 1×3=3

(i) Akbar never failed to enjoy the beauty of ______________________

Ans. greatest kingdom this earth has never seen.

(ii) Birbal asked a question to the _____________________________

Ans. Akbar, ”oh, great and powerful king what is troubling you ?”

(iii) Birbal was Akbar’s

Ans. favorite minister who was known for his wisdom.

Grammar and Vocabulary

2. Complete the following sentences with the proper degree of adjectives: 1×2=2

(i) In winter, Kashmir is __________
(cool) than Delhi.

Ans. Cooler.

(ii) Subhadra is the _____________
(good) girl in the class.

Ans. best.

3. Make sentences of your own with the following pairs of homonyms: 1×2=2

(i) ear : _________________________

Ans. This is my ear.

year : ___________________________

Ans. I am twelve years old.

(ii) whole : _____________________

Ans. I know the whole story.

hole: _________________________

Ans. He dug a hole.


4. Write a letter in about 70 words to your friend who lives outside Kolkata, about the Kolkata Book Fair. 4

👉সপ্তম শ্রেণি সমস্ত বিষয়ের প্রশ্নপত্র👈

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