WBBSE Class 8 English 3rd Unit Test Question Paper Set-4 | অষ্টম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি তৃতীয় পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়নের প্রশ্নপত্র সেট-৪

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WBBSE Class 8 English 3rd Unit Test Question Paper Set-4 | অষ্টম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি তৃতীয় পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়নের প্রশ্নপত্র সেট-৪

📌 1. অষ্টম শ্রেণির সমস্ত বিষয়ের সমস্ত পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নপত্র | Class 8 All Subject Question Paper Click Here


Third Summative Evaluation
Class VIII
Sub : English
Full Marks : 70 Time : 2.30 mnts

Section – A


1. Read the following text and answer the questions that follow:

[Lesson 13, The Man Who Planted Trees, Page No. 119]

The next year the war came, in which I was engaged for five years. With the war behind me, I had a great desire to breath a little pure air, and I set out again along the trail through that deserted country. The land had not changed. Ever since the day before, I had been thinking about the shepherd who planted trees. Ten thousand oaks, I had said to myself, must really take up a lot of space.

When I met Elzeard Bouffier this time, I found that the war had not disturbed him at all. He had continued with his planting. The oaks of 1910 were now ten years old and were taller than me and than him. The scene was impressive. I was actually speechless and we passed the whole day in silence, walking through his forest.
It was in three sections, eleven kilometers long overall and at its widest point, three kilometers wide. When I considered that this had all sprung from the hands and from the soul of this one man-without technical aids-it struck me that men could be as effective as God in domains other than destruction.

A. Supply information from the passage : 1×4=4

(i) The war continued for

Ans :

(ii) The trees were planted by

Ans :

(iii) The length of the forest

Ans :

(iv) He sought help from

Ans :

B. Answer the following questions in brief : 2×3=6

(i) What was the desire of the narrator ? What did he do then ?

Ans :

(ii) Describe the forest created by a shepherd.

Ans :

(iii) How did the narrator react to see the forest ?

Ans :

C. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes : 1×4=4

(i) The Shepherd was affected by the war.

(ii) The narrator was astonished to see the forest.

(iii) The Shepherd sought technical help to plant trees.

(iv) The narrator watched the forest from a long distance.

2. Read the following extract and answer the questions given below:

[Lesson 12. Someone, Page No. 110]

Someone came knocking
At my wee, small door;
Someone came knocking:
I’m sure-sure-sure:
I listened, I opened,
I looked to left and right,
But nought there was a stirring
In the still, dark night;
Only the busy beetle
Tap-tapping in the wall.
Only from the forest
The screech-owl’s call,
Only the cricket whistling
While the dewdrops fall,

A. Tick (✓) the correct alternatives given below : 1×3=3

(i) The door was-
(a) big
(b) small
(c) wide

(ii) The poet looked-
(a) up and down
(b) to left and right
(c) backward and forward

(iii) The sound on the wall was created by
(a) beetle
(b) cricket
(c) owl

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the above passage : 1×3=3

(i) Listening to the knocking the poet

Ans :

(ii) The poet heard the owl’s call from

Ans :

(iii) The poet did not know

Ans :


Read the following text and answer the questions that follow :

One day his train ran into another and he was terribly injured, when he was taken to hospital it was found necessary amputate one of his legs which had been badly injured. Some day afterwards, a party of friends visited him and one said to another, “I am afraid the poor fellow will have some difficulty in seeing the bright side of the affair”. Hearing this the engine driver smiled and said, “Not at all. I shall have only one boot to buy and clean in future

A. Tick (✓) the correct alternative given below. 1×3=3

(i) The engine driver was a man of
(a) cheerful disposition
(b) melancholy disposition
(c) childish attitude

(ii) One day his train ran into
(a) a car
(b) a train
(c) another train

(iii) After the accident the man
(a) changed his mind
(b) lost his hope
(c) kept up his cheerful spirit as usual

B. Complete the following sentences with informative sentences with information from the above passage : 2×4=8

(0) The man who met with an accident


(ii) He liked to tell people that


(i) After the train accident the man was admitted


(iv) in the hospital the man was visited by


C. Find out the nearest meaning of the following words: 2×2=4

(i) Bad luck-

(ii) Cut off (Surgically)-



4. Fill in the blanks with article and preposition : 1×4=4

A desert looks like __________ sea __________ sand. The camel, which takes ___________ traveller across ___________ desert, is named as ‘Ship of the desert’.

5. Change the voice of the following sentences : 1×3=3

(1) He tells a true story.


(ii) He will make a report.


(iii) She is painting a picture.


6. Do as directed: 1×5=5

(1) The boy is very fat. He cannot run. (Join the pair of sentences using Infinitive)


(ii) They are painting the building. (Rewrite the sentence using present perfect continuo tense)


(iii) The man is honest. I know it. (Join with that)


(iv) This is a car. It is very costly. (Join with which)


(v) Though the man is poor, he is honest. (Identify subordinate clause)


7. Change the following into Indirect speech : 1×3=3

(i) Rohit said, “My sister will leave tomorrow”

Ans :

(ii) The child said to his father, “Please give me a toy”.


(iii) They said. “Hurrah! we have won the match.”



8. Write an autobiography of a broken cycle. 10

9. Suppose you spent a moonlit night in a forest guest house. Write a paragraph on your experience : 10

(Points: time of visiting – it where located – who accompanied you – sight and sound etc).

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📌 অষ্টম শ্রেণির বাংলা সমস্ত অধ্যায়ের প্রশ্নোত্তর Click Here

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