WBBSE Class 9 English Annual Exam Model Question Paper Set-4 | নবম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নপত্র সেট-৪

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WBBSE Class 9 English Annual Exam Model Question Paper Set-4 | নবম শ্রেণি ইংরেজি বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নপত্র সেট-৪

📌নবম শ্রেণির সমস্ত বিষয়ের ইউনিট টেস্ট প্রশ্নপত্র | All Subject Unit Test Question Paper Click Here


3rd Summative Evaluation
Class IX   Sub : History
Time : 3 hrs 15 mnts   Full Marks – 90

Name ________________________________

Roll No. ___________ Section __________


1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that following :

[Lesson 11, A Shipwrecked Sailor, Page No. 83]

On September 30, 1659. I miserable Robinson Crusoe, being shipwrecked during a violent storm, came on shore on this dismal Island. I call it the Island of Despair. I was almost dead and the rest of my ship’s company was drowned. I had neither food, house nor clothes. I feared I would be devoured by wild beasts. When night came, I stept in a tree for fear of wild creatures. It rained all night.

The rain continued through the next day with gusts of wind. Only a wreck of my ship was to be seen at low water. I swam to the wreck to rescue and secure for my survival some food and other provisions. I was able to collect some wood, cable, a knife, nails and a gun. I also collected a hammock and some canvas with which I made a tent. I got some ink and paper. I also found some money, but they were useless to me in this barren Island. I was some hundred leagues out of the ordinary course of the trade of mankind. I was convinced I had to spend the rest of my life alone in this wild, desolate Island.

A. Read the passage above and then answer the following questions : 2×3=6

1. When did Robinson Crusoe reach on the shore of a dismal island?


2. What made Robinson Crusoe come to this island ?

3. Who is the writer of this story ?


B. Tick (✓) the correct alternatives: 1×5=5

1. Robinson crusoe was shipwrecked on-
(a) 30-08-1649
(b) 30-09-1649
(c) 30-09-1659
(d) 30-07-1659

2. The lonely island was named by Crusoe as-
(a) The Island of Desolate
(b) The Island of Dismal
(c) The Island of Despair
(d) The Island of Depressed

3. Crusoe feared that he would-
(a) be drowned
(b) be devoured by wild beasts
(c) die
(d) be lost in the jungle.

4. A Shipwrecked Sailor’ is written by-
(a) Mark Twain
(b) Robinson crusoe
(c) Daniel Defoe
(d) Mulk Raj Anand.

5. The ‘dismal’ island was-
(a) wild and desolate
(b) wild and safe
(c) safe and desolate
(d) wild and populous

2. Read the passage carefully and answer the following :

[Lesson 9, The North Ship, Page No. 71]

Over the sea, the darkening sea,
But no breath of wind came forth.
And the decks shone frostily
The northern sky rose high and black Over the proud unfruitful sea,

Happily or unhappily
But the third went wide and far
And Into an unforgiving sea-
Under a fire spilling star,
And it was rigged for a long journey.

A. Complete the following sentences with information from the text above : 1×3=3

1. The third ship drove over the ______________________________

2. The northern sky rose ______________________________

3. The third ship rigged for a ______________________________

B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements. Provide sentences/words in support of your answer : 2×2=4

1. The third ship drove towards East.

Supporting statement: ______________________________

2. The third ship went far.

Supporting Statement: ______________________________

C. How was the atmosphere when the third shin started its journey ? 2

Ans. __________________________



C. Read the passage carefully and answer the following :

There was a brave king. His name was Robert Bruce. Once he became powerless. His enemies drove him away from his kingdom. He tried quite a few times to fight them away but failed. To save himself from his enemies, he took shelter in a cave in a far-away land. He was sad. He began to think how to defeat his enemies and regain his kingdom.

Suddenly, Robert Bruce noticed a spider. It was trying to make a cobweb on the ceiling of the cave. The stone-walls of that cave were uneven. The spider tried to go from one corner of the cave to another. But it slipped down again and again. Yet, it did not give up hope. At once it started to climb the wall again. It held the thread in its feet. This time it nearly reached the top.

A. Answer the following question after reading the above passage : 2×5=10

1. Why did Robert Bruce take shelter in a cave ?

Ans. ________________________________


2. What did Bruce begin to think ?

Ans. ________________________________


3. What was the spider trying to make ?

Ans. _______________________________


4. Why did the spider slip down again and again ?

Ans. _______________________________


5. How did the spider reach nearly the top of the stone wall of the cave?

Ans. ________________________________


B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements. Provide sentences / words in support of your answer. 2×5=10

1. Once Rober Bruce was a powerful king.

S. S. _______________________________


2. Robert Bruce was a coward.

S. S. _______________________________


3. Cave-walls were uneven.

S. S. ________________________________


4. The spider slipped only for once.

S. S. ________________________________


5. The spider held the thread in its feet.

S. S. ________________________________



1. Fill in the blanks with articles and prepositions: 1×5=5

The lady could not go ______ ______ top ______ ______ bus _________ such cold weather.

2. Do as directed: 1×6=6

(i) He told a lie intentionally. (Rewriter using the noun form of intentionally)


(ii) They have made him the President of the club.(voice change).


(iii) Rima was surprised when she heard the news.(change into a simple sentence)


(iv) Can we ever forget our childhood days ? (change into an assertive sentence)


(v) Paulami says, “I am fine”. (change the mode of narration)


(vi) Samir is not stronger than Nilesh. (change into Positive Degree)


3. Replace the underlined words with suitable ‘Phrasal verbs’ given in the list below: 1×5=5

(i) The child resembles his grandfather.


(ii) I can not remember his name.


(iii) Please write what I say.


(iv) Over eating affects one’s health.


(v) The strike was withdrawn.


(List: take down, turn up, call off, tells upon, call up, take after)

4. Choose the correct verb form and fill in the blanks below: 1×2=2

(i) I (am/will be/was) in class X next year.

(ii) He (go/went/has gone) to the Zoo last year.

5. Write the synonym of the following words from Unseen passage: 2

Leave :

Opponent :


1. Write a story (in about 100 words) using the given hints. Give a suitable title to the story. 10

[Hints : two cats find a piece of bread -fight over it-monkey arrives decides to settle the dispute -monkey breaks the bread into two -uneven size-dispsute continues-monkey eats both pieces of bread.]


2. You had been ill for three days. Write a letter to the Headmaster / Headmistress of your school seeking leave of absence for 4 days. 10


3. Write a report for the newspaper on ‘A science Exhibition’ organised by the Govt. of West Bengal for the secondary school students. You must mention the following points : 10

[Points: Date, Venue, Purpose, Exhibition of models, scientific approach towards life. Awarness etc.]


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