WBBSE Class 9 English First Unit Test Set-4

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First Summative Evaluation : 40 marks (April) Internal Formative Evaluation: 10 Marks

Set – 4

Textbook: ‘Bliss’

1.Tales of Bhola Grandpa – Manoj Das
2.Autumn-John Clare
3.All about a dog-A.G Gardiner
4.A Day in the Zoo-Gerald Durrell
*Grammar And Vocabulary—
(বিদ্যালয় ঠিক করে দেয়।)
*Unseen, writing Skills

First Summative Evaluation
Class 9 Sub- English
Time – 1hr 30mins F.M – 40

Section – A

Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

I remember another funny incident about Bhola Grandpa related by my father. It had been a rainy afternoon. Bhola Grandpa, wild with excitement, told my father and his friends that he had seen a gang of pirates. They were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the seashore by our village. At once father and his friends started looking for the hidden treasure. Evening passed on to night. Moonlight came in through the clouds. A pack of jackals were howling. It was past midnight. At this point of time, Bhola Grandpa confessed that there was no real treasure. It was all a dream which he had during his midday nap.

Once Bhola Grandpa had a great adventure in the Sunderbans. In those days Royal Bengal tigers freely roamed the dense jungles of the Sunderbans. People took care to move about only in groups, particularly after sundown.

One evening, Bhola Grandpa was returning from the weekly market. Suddenly at a distance of about five yards behind him, he heard the growl of a Royal Bengal tiger. Bhola Grandpa turned and found the bright gaze of the tiger on his face.

Activity 1

Write the correct answers from the given alternatives: (Any Two) 1×2=2

(i) Bhola Grandpa had seen a gang of pirates
(a) at the sea shore
(b) in the forest
(c) at the river bank
(d) in his mid-day nap

Ans. (d) in his mid-day nap

(ii) After sunset people used to go out of door in groups because of
(a) robbers (b) snakes
(c) Royal Bengal Tigers (d) pirates

Ans. (c) Royal Bengal Tigers

(iii) On seeing the tiger Bhola Grandpa climbed up the
(a) neem tree (b) banyan tree
(c) mango tree (d) banana tree

Ans. (d) banana tree

Activity 2

Answer the following questions: 2×2 = 4

(a) What were the pirates doing when Bhola Grandpa saw them ?

Ans: The pirates were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the sea shore by their village when Bhola Grandpa saw them.

(b) Why did people move in groups, particularly after sundown ?

Ans: In those days Royal Bengal Tigers freely roamed the dense forests of the Sundarbans. For that people moved in groups, particularly after sundown.

2. Read the stanza carefully and answer the questions:

I love the fitful gust that shakes
The casement all day,
And from the mossy elm-tree takes
The faded leaves away,
Twirling them by the window pane
With thousand others down the lane.

A. Tick (✔) the correct answer from the given alternatives: 1×2

A. Tick the correct alternatives:-

(i) The tree mentioned is-
(a) banayan tree
(b) banana plant
(c) elm tree
(d) mango tree

Ans. (c) elm tree

(ii) The leaves are-
(a) Fresh (b) Faded (c) stale (d) green

Ans. (b) Faded

B. Answer in brief :

(i) Who is the poet of the poem ?

Ans. John Clare is the poet of the poem

(ii) What does the poet love ?

Ans. The poet loves fitful gust that shakes.

Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

3. Read the passage and answer the following questions:

Popularly called the “Missile Man of India”, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam rose from humble beginning and earned the reputation of being the People’s President” who endeared himself to all sections, especially young. A devotee – muslim and son of a boat owner, Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen. Abdul Kalam, who assumed office as the President On 18th July 2002, was the country’s first bachelor President born and brought up in Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu. Kalam was known for having a unique style and joined after graduating from Madrass Institute of Technology (MIT)

A. Fill in the blanks with informations from the passage: 1X4=4

(i) Name of Kalam’s father : ………..

Ans. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen.

(ii) Kalam’s father’s profession : ………

Ans. boat owner and imam of a local mosque

(iii) Kalam assumed office as a president on……………….

Ans. 18th July 2002

(iv) Full from of MIT : ………………

Ans. Madrass Institute of Technology

B. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statements: 1X4=4

(i) APJ Abdul Kalam was populary known as missile Woman of Africa. (F)

(ii) Kalam was country’s first bachelor president. (T)

(iii) Kalam graduated from Tamilnadu Institute of Technology. (F)

(iv) Kalam was a devotee-muslim. (T)

C. Find words from the passage:

(i) Pious : ………. Ans. devotee

(ii) Fame : ……….. Ans. Popular


(Grammar and Vocabulary)

4. A. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list below : 1×4-4

(i) Smoking affects one’s health.

Ans. tell upon – affects

(ii) None can tolerate such an insult.

Ans. put up with – tolerate

(iii) The boy resembles his father.

Ans. take after – resembles

(iv) Our school was established in 1947.

Ans. set up – established

(list: take after, put up with, set up, make out, tell upon)

B. Do as directed: 1×6=6

(i) Only graduates can apply for the post. (Negative)

Ans. No one other than graduates are eligible for the post.

(ii) Gandhiji believed in………….. (violence use prefix)

Ans. Gandhiji believed in nonviolence.

(iii) Who taught you English ? (Change the voice)

Ans. By whom was English taught to you ?

(iv) A poet can not but be gay. (use help)

Ans. A poet could not help being gay.

(v) The old man was too weak to carry the load. (omit too)

Ans. The old man is so weak that he cannot carry the load.

(vi) The teacher says, ‘Man is mortal.’ (Narration Change)

Ans. The teacher told that man is mortal.

C. Fill in the blanks with articles and preposition: 1×2=2

………. those days Royal Bengal tigers freely roamed in the dense jungle’s ……… the Sunderbans.

Ans. In, of

Section-C (Writing Skill)

Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph within 100 words: 8

Leaves plucked from garden – brought to factory – spread in tray – dried in heated room – cut in the shredding machine – sent to hot oven – passed through sieving machine – tea leaves separated according to size

Preparation of Tea Leaf

Tea is considered as an energy giving drink throughout the world. Most of us drink tea as it refreshes us when we are tired. The main ingredient of tea is tea-leaf. Tea-leaf preparation is a very easy task. In the factory, the producer has to follow some steps to prepare tea-leaf. At first tea leaves are plucked from tea garden. Then the leaves are brought to the factory. Next they are spread in tray. In the next step they are dried in heated rooms. After completing it, the leaves are cut in shredding machine. Then the substance is sent to hot oven. Now it is sent to sieving → machine to grade the different sizes of tea leaves. Next the tea leaves are packed properly in aluminium container After that the containers are sealed and labelled. Thus the tea-leaf preparation is completed. Atlast the tea leaf is ready for sale.


write a story with the points (Fox fell in well – could not get up – a goat was passing – jumped into the well – fox came with the help of goat – foolish goat died in the well)

TITLE : The Cunning Fox and the Stupid Goat

One day, a fox was wandering in search of food. It came across a well and peeped into it. But unluckily, it fell into it. There was, however, no water inside. It was not too deep. Yet, the fox couldn’t get out of it. With the passage of time, the fox grew tense. He could hear a goat passing by the well. He began praising the sweetness of the water. The goat peeped in. The fox invited the goat to taste the water. The goat got persuaded and jumped into the well. As soon as the goat was in, the fox leapt upon it and got out. The goat remained in the well bleating.

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