WBCHSE Class 11 English Question Paper 2016 | একাদশ শ্রেণি ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র ২০১৬

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2016 English question paper with answers for class eleventh students of West Bengal Council Higher Secondary Education. Question and Answers of the question paper are given below.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা সংসদের একাদশ শ্রেণির ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জন্য ২০১৬ সালের উত্তরসহ ইংরেজী বিষয়ের প্রশ্ন পত্র।

(New Syllabus)

Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes
Full Marks: 80

Instructions to the Candidates :
1. Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.
2. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.
3. Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Class 11 English Mock Test 2016

Test Yourself (নিজেকে যাচাই করো)।

1 / 20

(a) Sidda knows

2 / 20

(b) The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal's

3 / 20

(c) Mr. Adams was a

4 / 20

(d) According to Mother Teresa the first messenger of peace was the

5 / 20

(e) The absence of a sense of beauty cheats a man of

6 / 20

(a) "Upon Westminster Bridge" is a

7 / 20

(b) In "Meeting at Night" the beach is

8 / 20

(c) The Rose's joy is

9 / 20

(d) The poet of "Brotherhood" is

10 / 20

(e) Chanticleer will blow his

11 / 20

(a) Antipholus Younger was a

12 / 20

(b) The Elder Dromio's wife was

13 / 20

(c) Macduff was the Thane of

14 / 20

(d) The three unearthly creatures that met with Macbeth and Banquo were singing

15 / 20

(e) In describing Othello's restlessness the drugs that Shakespeare mentions as failing to bring him peace of mind are

16 / 20

(f) lago was

17 / 20

(g) The sharp teeth of the cold wind in winter is nothing, according to the Duke Senior, compared to man's

18 / 20

(h) Oliver married

19 / 20

(i) Olivia mistook Sebastian to be

20 / 20

(j) In the song desired by Orsino the singer wants to be buried where

Your score is

The average score is 75%


1. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: 1×5=5

(a) Sidda knows
(i) the deity (ii) the moon
(iii) the policeman (iv) the thieves.

Ans. (ii) the moon

(b) The arrival of the train did not disturb Sir Mohan Lal’s
(i) peace (ii) understanding
(iii) sangfroid (iv) conversation.

Ans. (iii) sangfroid

(c) Mr. Adams was a
(i) detective (ii) banker
(iii) hotel owner (iv) teacher.

Ans. (ii) banker

(d) According to Mother Teresa the first messenger of peace was the
(i) little unborn child
(ii) malnourished child
(iii) abused child
(iv) violent child.

Ans. (i) little unborn child

(e) The absence of a sense of beauty cheats a man of
(i) wealth
(ii) opportunities
(iii) aesthetic experience
(iv) livelihood.

Ans. (iii) aesthetic experience

2. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence: 1×5=5

(a) What is Mr. Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda ?

Ans. Mr. Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda was that he appeared to be neat and tidy, and that he didn’t seem to be a “bad sort”.

(b) How, according to Sidda, could Leela touch the sky ?

Ans. According to Sidda, Leela could touch the sky if she would stand on the coconut tree.

(c) What did Sir Mohan Lal’s mirror reveal ?

Ans. Sir Mohan Lal’s miror revealed that he was distinguished, efficient and handsome, but everything else in his country was inefficient, dirty and indifferent.

(d) In what language did Sir Mohan Lal speak ?

Ans. The languages Sir Mohan Lal spoke are English or in Anglicized Hindustani.

(e) What did Jimmy’s suitcase contain ?

Ans. Jimmy’s suitcase contains his own made tools of burglary such as – drills, clamps, punches, brace etc.

(f) Why was the clerk impressed by Jimmy ?

Ans. The clerk was impressed by Jimmy’s closes and manner because the clerk was a lover of latest fashion.

(g) What is Mother Teresa’s point of view about drug addiction among young people?

Ans. According to Mother Teresa, many boys and girls are in the West are given into drugs because there is no in the family to receive them and they are lonely.

(h) What according to Mother Teresa, is the beginning of love?

Ans. According to Mother Teresa smile is the beginning of love.

(i) What are the two aspects of art education?

Ans. The two aspects of art education are fine art and functional art.

(j) How do educated men advertize their devotion to art ?

Ans. The educated man advertise their devotion to art by showing framed pin- ups side by side with good paintings.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each: 5×2=10

(a) “He looked at her mutely, like an animal.” Who looked at whom ? What was the situation when this occurred ? 2+3

(b) Bring out the significance of the title ‘Karma”.

(c) What new name did Jimmy Valentine assume at Elmore ? What business did he open there ? How did Jimmy fare at Elmore ? 1+1+3

(d) In what ways does Mother Teresa appeal to the emotions of her audience ? What stories does she share of her encounters with the poor in Kolkata ? 2+3

(e) According to Nandalal Bose how can the aesthetic sensibilities of the students be increased ?

4. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: 1×5=5

(a) “Upon Westminster Bridge” is a
(i) sonnet (ii) ballad (iii) ode (iv) lyric.

Ans. (i) sonnet

(b) In “Meeting at Night” the beach is
(i) balmy (ii) sandy (iii) dry
(iv) sea-scented.

Ans. (iv) sea-scented

(c) The Rose’s joy is
(i) aquamarine (ii) scarlet (iii) crimson
(iv) vermillion.

Ans. (iii) crimson

(d) The poet of “Brotherhood” is
(i) dealt out (ii) kept out (iii) spelt out
(iv) cut out.

Ans. (iii) spelt out

(e) Chanticleer will blow his
(i) drum (ii) pipe (iii) guitar (iv) clarion.

Ans. (iv) clarion

5. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each: 1×5 = 5

(a) What is the feeling that Wordsworth experiences which he has never experienced before ?

Ans. I’ve never seen nor felt such pure and unwavering tranquility.

(b) How does Wordsworth describe the air in the city ?

Ans. In Wordsworths vision ,the air is cleer and smokeless.

(c) What does the speaker do immediately after he reaches the “Meeting at Night” ?

Ans. In the poem “Meeting at Night”, the speaker immediately taps on the windowpane when he reaches the house.

(d) Where does the boat slow down ?

Ans. The boat slows down as it reaches the cove and touches the slushy sand.

(e) How has the storm been described in “The Sick Rose” ?

Ans. In the poem the sick rose the storm has been described as howling.

(f) What has the worm found out ?

Ans. The worm has finaly found out the bed of crimson joy of the rose.

(g) In “Brotherhood”, what does Octavio Paz mean by “Little do I last” ?

Ans. The expression means that human life is very short on this earth.

(h) What do the stars write ?

Ans. The stars write the destiny of man.

(i) What is the wind’s message to the forest in “Daybreak” ?

Ans. The wind`d message to the forest to shout and hang all their leafy banners out.

(j) Why does the wind proclaim differently when it crosses the Churchyard ?

Ans. The wind proclaims differently when it crosses the churchyard because there the souls of dead are sleeping peacefully.

6. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each: 5×2=10

(a) “Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep !” What prompts the poet to say so ?

(b) Evaluate “Meeting at Night” as a love-poem.

(c) Comment on the implications of the worm’s love destroying the rose’s life.

(d) Bring out the significance of the title of “Brotherhood”.

(e) Who takes the responsibility of announcing the breaking of day? How is this feat achieved ?

7. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given (attempt any five) : 1×5=5

(a) Antipholus Younger was a
(i) Duke (ii) Merchant (iii) Soldier
(iv) Fisherman.

Ans. (ii) Merchant

(b) The Elder Dromio’s wife was
(i) Poor (ii) Rich (iii) Dowsabel
(iv) Dolores.

Ans. (iii) Dowsabel

(c) Macduff was the Thane of
(i) Cawdor (ii) Ross (iii) Fife (iv) Glamis.

Ans. (iii) Fife

(d) The three unearthly creatures that met with Macbeth and Banquo were singing
(i) Heave ho!
(ii) Fair is foul, and foul is fair
(iii) Hey and a ho and a hey nonnino !
(iv) Avaunt !

Ans. (ii) Fair is foul, and foul is fair

(e) In describing Othello’s restlessness the drugs that Shakespeare mentions as failing to bring him peace of mind are
(i) Hasish and Poppy
(ii) Poppy and Mandragora
(iii) Hemp and Nightshade
(iv) Hemlock and Poppy.

Ans. (ii) Poppy and Mandragora

(f) lago was
(i) good at heart (ii)blearned
(iii) very religious (iv) crafty

Ans. (iv) crafty

(g) The sharp teeth of the cold wind in winter is nothing, according to the Duke Senior, compared to man’s
(i) love
(ii) jealousy
(iii) unkindness and ingratitude
(iv) happiness.

Ans. (iii) unkindness and ingratitude

(h) Oliver married
(i) Alice (ii) Celia (iii) Rose (iv) Rosalind.

Ans. (ii) Celia

(i) Olivia mistook Sebastian to be
(i) Orsino (ii) Charles (iii) Cesario
(iv) Antonio.

Ans. (iii) Cesario

(j) In the song desired by Orsino the singer wants to be buried where
(i) the flowers grow
(ii) the sad true lover may never find him
(iii) the grass is greenest
(iv) the birds sing.

Ans. (ii) the sad true lover may never find him

8. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 100 words! 5×1=5

(a) How did Othello overcomebthe fury of Brabantio after marrying Desdemona ?

(b) Give a brief account of the “Banquet Scene” in “Macbeth”.

(c) How did old Adam prove his loyalty towards his master?

(d) What made Aegeon land at Ephesus? What danger did he face there ?

(e) How was the confusion of mistaken identity overcome in “Twelfth Night” ?

9. (A) Rewrite the following sentences as directed without changing their meanings: 1×7=7

(a) “Are the trains very crowded on these lines ?” Lady Lal asked. (Change the mode of narration)

Ans. Lachmi asked if the trains were very crowded on those lines.

(b) He wouldn’t be allowed to sleep inside the house. (Change the voice)

Ans. Sleeping inside the house was not allowed for him. Or

They would not allow him to sleep inside the house.

(c) She had to go back into the kitchen for a moment because she had left something in the oven. (Split into two simple sentences)

Ans. She had to go back into the kitchen for a moment. She left something in the oven

(d) Ben Price knew Jimmy’s habits.
(Change into a negative sentence)

Ans. Jimmy’s habits were not unknown to Ben Price.

(e) He was dismayed. The compartment was empty. (Join into a simple sentence)

Ans. He was dismayed at the empty compartment.

(f) I believe that we are not real social workers. (Rewrite the sentence using the noun form of ‘believe’)

Ans. I had belief that we are not real social workers.

(g) The mirror was obviously made in India. (Split into two simple sentences)

Ans. This is a mirror. It is made in India.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions: 1/2×6= 3

The train steamed ……(1)……… Lachmi found herself facing ……(2)……. almost empty inter-class Zenana compartment next ……(3)…. the guard’s van, ……(4)……… the tail end ……(5)……. the train. The rest of ……(6)……. train was packed.

Ans. in, an, to, at, of, the.

10. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on The Internet: Its use and abuse’. 10

[Hints: Information and entertainment – result – e-mail – buying and selling – easy access to information – obscenity – cyber crimes]  


In the 21st century the word ‘Internet’ is probably one of the most familiar words to the civilized world. It is really a miraculous gift of science. It is like the strange lamp of Aladin that brings necessary information before us in a wink of an eye.

If one needs any information of any part of the world, he may search it in Google or Yahoo and he will get it at a single click of a mouse. We no longer need to sweat turning from one page to another of a long series of encyclopaedia. E- mail is one of the fastest ways of communication. It has removed the geographical distance. Through e-mail we can send a message to any one within a second. Thus internet saves our valuable labour and time. Internet is also a wonderful source of entertainment and recreation. We can collect news, read books, watch movies and enjoy music through internet. For purchasing or selling a good we no longer need to go to the market or keep a showroom open. Internet has brought both the consumer and the market within the four walls.
But internet has dark sides too. Various obscenes are available in internet. It leads the youth to moral degradation. Spending too much time on social medias wastes our valuable time. Various cyber crimes are conducted with the help of this internet. So, internet is a blessing to us so far as we use it for goodness of mankind.

Moral: The fruits of ingratitude may not always be sweet.


Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Add a title to the story. 2+8

[The wheels of a cart sank into mud – the carter whipped the bullocks in vain – prayed to God of strength for help – the God appeared – asked him to put his shoulder to the wheel – the cart moved.]


The Cartman and his Wheel

Long, long ago our country was not as it is today. There was no towns or cities. People lived in villages and their main occupation was farming and small business. Roads were
muddy. The main mode of transport was bullock carts. They were used to carry humans as well as commodities.

One day such a cart was going along a village road. It was monsoon. So, all the roads were muddy as usual and it was very difficult to drive the carts along such roads. The cart was heavily loaded. So, the bullocks found it very hard to draw the cart. Suddenly one of the wheels of the cart sank deep into mud. The bullocks tried their best to take the cart out of the mud but failed. Then the cartman whipped the animals brutally. They cried in pain and applied all their strength but in vain. Then the helpless cartman prayed to God to rescue him from that situation. Immediately God appeared in front of him. The cartman was delighted to see him and said, “O God! Please help me.” Then God said, “Why are You sitting on the cart and whipping the innocent animals? Come down and put your shoulder to the wheel.” Saying that He disappeared.

Then the cartman came down. put his shoulder to the wheel and applied his force. In a short while the cart moved and came out of the mud. The cartman realized his fault and begged pardon to God. He learnt a good lesson from that incident.

Moral: God helps those who help themselves.

11. You want to buy a house in Santiniketan. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of the English daily in not more than 50 words announcing the same with necessary details.


An insurance company requires some agents. Insert an advertisement in the newspaper mentioning required qualifications in not more than 50 words. 5

12. A reality show will be launched in your city. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for the event mentioning the names of singers, dates, time, venue and rates of tickets. 5


Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words announcing the launch of a new food catering service.

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