WBCHSE Class 11 English Question Paper With Answer 2018 | একাদশ শ্রেণি ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র উত্তরসহ ২০১৮

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2018 English question paper with answers for class eleventh students of West Bengal Council Higher Secondary Education. Question and Answers to MCQs and SAQs of the question paper are given below.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা সংসদের একাদশ শ্রেণির ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জন্য ২০১৮ সালের উত্তরসহ ইংরেজী বিষয়ের প্রশ্ন পত্র দেওয়া হলো।

(New Syllabus)

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes
Full Marks : 80

Instructions to the Candidates :
1. Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.
2. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.
3. Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Class 11 English Mock Test 2018

Test Yourself (নিজেকে যাচাই করো)।

1 / 20

(a) The newspaper that Sir Mohan was reading was

2 / 20

(b) The number Jimmy got in the jail was

3 / 20

(c) According to Mother Teresa, "Smile is the beginning of ..............

4 / 20

(d) Fine art liberates our mind from

5 / 20

(e) The words 'get the nigger out' suggest

6 / 20

(a) The sight that Wordsworth saw appeared to him as

7 / 20

(b) The length of the sea-scented beach is

8 / 20

(c) In the poem The Sick Rose', the poet addresses the

9 / 20

(d) The colour of the half-moon is

10 / 20

(e) In the poem 'Daybreak', the wind crossed the churchyard with a

11 / 20

(a) Viola mourned the loss of her

12 / 20

(b) Rosalind and Celia went to the Forest of Arden

13 / 20

(c) Olivia married

14 / 20

(d) The Elder Antipholus lived at Ephesus for

15 / 20

(e) Malcolm and Donalbain were the sons of

16 / 20

(f) The place of the shipwreck was the coast of

17 / 20

(g) The witches looked like

18 / 20

(h) As ransom of his life Aegeon was demanded of

19 / 20

(i) The Turks had prepared to invade

20 / 20

(j) Othello had promoted Cassio to the rank of

Your score is

The average score is 79%


1. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given : 1×5=5

(a) The newspaper that Sir Mohan was reading was
(i) The Sunday Times
(ii) The Times of India
(iii) The Times
(iv) Modern Times.

Ans. (iii) The Times

(b) The number Jimmy got in the jail was
(i) 9627 (ii) 9276 (iii) 9762 (iv) 9726.

Ans. (iii) 9762

(c) According to Mother Teresa, “Smile is the beginning of …………..
(i) peace (ii) comfort (iii) satisfaction
(iv) love.

Ans. (iv) love.

(d) Fine art liberates our mind from
(i) joy and grief
(ii) professionalism
(iii) materialism
(iv) sorrows and conflicts.

Ans. (iv) sorrows and conflicts

(e) The words ‘get the nigger out’ suggest
(i) a sense of irony
(ii) a sense of farce
(iii) a sense of humour
(iv) a sense of tragedy.

Ans. (ii) a sense of farce

2. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : 1×5=5

(a) Whom did Sir Mohan meet in the compartment of the train ?

Ans. Sir Mohan met two English soldiers named Bill and Jim in train compartment.

(b) In which hotel did Jimmy engage a room in Elmore ?

Ans. In Elmore, Jimmy engaged a room in the ‘planters’ Hotel.

(c) What did Leela ask Sidda to draw ?

Ans. Leela asked Sidda to draw a cat and a crow.

(d) What is the utility of language ?

Ans. Language acts as a vehicle for literature, philosophy and science.

(e) How was Sir Mohan’s moustache ?

Ans. sir Mohan Lal moustache was neatly trimmed.

(f) What did Mother Teresa desire to do with the Nobel Prize money ?

Ans. After receiving the award, Mother Teresa stated that she intended to use the prize money to establish a home for people with leprosy.

(g) On grounds of utility, what do the educated use in place of “(elegant) earth pitchers” ?


(h) Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky ?

Ans. Leela asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky.

(i) What was Mr. Sivasankar brooding over, standing in the veranda of his house ?

Ans. Mr. Sivasanker was standing in front of the veranda of his house. He was brooding over the servant problem.

(j) What, according to Nandalal Bose, has our country’s economic decline followed closely ?

Ans. According to Nandalal Bose, the decay of the functional art has our country’s economic decline followed closely.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each: 5×2=10

(a) According to Nandalal Bose, how are beauty and aesthetics connected to a person’s physical and mental well-being ? Explain with an example from the text.

(b) “In any case, we couldn’t have kept a criminal like him in the house”.
Who is the speaker ?
Who is the ‘criminal’ referred to here ?
What led the speaker to such a comment ? 1+1+3

(c) The frightened child, unharmed, fell into her mother’s arms”
Who was the child referred to here ?
Why was the child frightened ?
How did the child fall into her mother’s arms unharmed ? 1+1+3

(d) What did Jimmy write to his old friend in St. Louis? Why did he write so ? 3+2

(e) Give a brief description of the appearance of Lady Lal.

4. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given : 1×5=5

(a) The sight that Wordsworth saw appeared to him as
(i) mysterious (ii) magical
(iii) menacing (iv) majestic.

Ans. (iv) majestic.

(b) The length of the sea-scented beach is
(i) half a mile (ii) one mile
(iii) two miles (iv) three miles.

Ans. (ii) one mile

(c) In the poem The Sick Rose’, the poet addresses the
(i) rose (ii) worm (iii) storm (iv) night.

Ans. (i) rose

(d) The colour of the half-moon is
(i) grey (ii) black (iii) pink (iv) yellow.

Ans. (iv) yellow.

(e) In the poem ‘Daybreak’, the wind crossed the churchyard with a
(i) smile (ii) shout (iii) cry (iv) sigh.

Ans. (iv) sigh.

5. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : 1×5=5

(a) When does the worm fly ?

Ans. The worm flies at night.

(b) How is the night in ‘Brotherhood’ ?

Ans. The night in “Brotherhood” is depicted as eerie, uncomfortable, and unsettling.

(c) “Unknowing I understand” – What does the poet understand ?

Ans. The poet understands that human life is transient and that life’s purpose is determined by the stars.

(d) What destroys the life of the rose ?

Ans. The dark secret love of the worm destroys the life of the rose.

(e) Which city, according to Wordsworth, is the fairest one ?

Ans. According to the poet, London is the fairest city.

(f) What is the colour of the sea in ‘Meeting at Night ?

Ans. In ‘Meeting at Night, the colour of the sea is grey.

(g) How does Browning describe the half moon ?

Ans. Browning describe, The half moon looms low in the sky giving off a yellow light.

(h) Who announces daybreak in the poem Daybreak’ ?

Ans. In the poem ‘Daybreak’ the sea-wind announces daybreak.

(i) How does Wordsworth describe the beauty of the morning ?

Ans. the poet describes the morning in the city of London to be smokeless, pure, clean and silent.

(j) What does the phrase ‘not yet ! in quiet lie’ suggest ?

Ans. The phrase “Not yet! in quite lie” suggests it is not time for the dead soul in the churchyard as they will rise on Judgement Day.

6. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each: 5×2=10

(a) Justify the title of the poem Meeting at Night’.

(b) Narrate the wind’s activities as presented in the poem ‘Daybreak”.

(c) Bring out the central idea of the poem, The Sick Rose’,

(d) How does the poet look upon the sun in Upon Westminster Bridge’ ? What is so deep and why ? 2+1+2

(e) Give the significance of the line “unknowing I understand” in ‘Brotherhood’.

7. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given (attempt any five) : 1×5=5

(a) Viola mourned the loss of her
(i) ship (ii) brother (iii) valuables
(iv) relatives.

Ans. (ii) brother

(b) Rosalind and Celia went to the Forest of Arden
(i) in a carriage (ii) in disguise
(iii) with an army (iv) on horseback.

Ans. (ii) in disguise

(c) Olivia married
(i) Orsino (ii) Sebastian (iii) Cesario
(iv) Antonio.

Ans. (ii) Sebastian

(d) The Elder Antipholus lived at Ephesus for
(i) twenty years (ii) eighteen years
(iii) five years (iv) two years.

Ans. (i) twenty years

(e) Malcolm and Donalbain were the sons of
(i) Macduff (ii) Banquo
(iii) The Thane of Cawdor
(iv) Duncan.

Ans. (iv) Duncan.

(f) The place of the shipwreck was the coast of
(i) English Channel (ii) Illyria
(iii) Pacific Ocean (iv) Atlantic Ocean.

Ans. (ii) Illyria

(g) The witches looked like
(i) charming ladies
(ii) mad creatures
(iii) unearthly creatures
(iv) queens.

Ans. (iii) unearthly creatures

(h) As ransom of his life Aegeon was demanded of
(i) one hundred marks
(ii) one thousand marks
(iii) all his belongings
(iv) five thousand marks.

Ans. (ii) one thousand marks

(i) The Turks had prepared to invade
(i) Cyprus (ii) Africa (iii) France
(iv) Venice.

Ans. (i) Cyprus

(j) Othello had promoted Cassio to the rank of
(i) General (ii) Duke (ii) Lieutenant
(iv) Senator.

Ans. (ii) Lieutenant

8. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 100 words : 5×1=5

(a) Bring out the significance of the opening scene of Macbeth.

(b) How did Aegeon find out all his family members ?

(c) Sketch the character of Lady Macbeth.

(d) Who was Olivia ? What saddened her ? Why did she not allow any visitor ? 1+1+3

(e) What led Desdemona to marry Othello ?

9. A. Rewrite the following sentences as directed without changing their meanings: 1×7=7

(a) As soon as he had gone, she hailed a passing railway coolie. (Change into a negative sentence)

Ans. She did not hail a passing railway coolie as soon as he had gone.

(b) “Now, Valentine,” said the warden, “you’ll go out in the morning.” (Change the mode of narration)


(c) Leela’s face became red. (Rewrite using the verb form of ‘red’)

Ans. Leela’s face reddened.

(d) Earth has not anything to show more fair. (Change into interrogative sentence)

Ans. Does Earth have anything to show fairer ?

(e) The poor people are very great people. They can teach us many beautiful things. (Join the sentences with a relative clause)

Ans. The poor people are very great people who can teach us many beautiful things.

(f) The mirror was obviously made in India. (Rewrite the sentence using the adjective form of obviously.)

Ans. It is obvious that the mirror was made in India.

(g) He set his suitcase on the table and opened it out flat. (Split into two simple sentences)

Ans. He set his suitcase on the table. He opened it out flat.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions : `frac1{2}`x6=3

He tossed ….(i)… quarter …(ii)… the hat …(iii)… ….(iv)….. blind man sitting…..(v)…. …. (vi)…. door, and boarded his train.

Ans. a, into, of, a, by, the

10. Write a paragraph in about 150 -200 words on The Achievements of Indian Women in Sports’. 10

[ Hints: Introduction – Various sports and famous Indian sportswomen (P. T. Usha, Mary Kom, Sania Mirza, Saina Nehwal etc.) – Recent performance of the Women’s Cricket Team in the World Cup – Sports as career for women – Women empowerment – Pride of India – Conclusion ]


Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Add a title to the story. 2+8

[Three thieves steal a purse of gold – agree to divide the gold among themselves – one of them goes to buy food – puts poison in the food – meanwhile, the other two decide to kill him – he is killed on his return – the poisoned eaten by the other two.]

11. You want to provide accommodation to paying guests in your house. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words giving details of the accommodation. 5


A reputed theatre group wants to conduct a short term theatre workshop for beginners. Insert an advertisement in the newspaper mentioning the required information in not more than 50 words. 5

12. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a unisex multi-gym and yoga institute opening in your area. Mention the different offers available for half-yearly and annual membership schemes. 5


Design a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a newly opened multicuisine restaurant in Park Circus area.

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