WBCHSE Class 11 English Question Paper With Answer 2019 | একাদশ শ্রেণি ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র উত্তরসহ ২০১৯

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2019 English question paper with answers for class eleventh students of West Bengal Council Higher Secondary Education. Question and Answers to MCQs and SAQs of the question paper are given below.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা সংসদের একাদশ শ্রেণির ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জন্য ২০১৯ সালের উত্তরসহ ইংরেজী বিষয়ের প্রশ্ন পত্র। প্রশ্ন পত্রে MCQ ও SAQ এর উত্তর করা আছে।

(New Syllabus)

Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes
Full Marks: 80

Instructions to the Candidates :
1. Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.
2. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.
3. Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Class 11 English Mock Test 2019

Test Yourself (নিজেকে যাচাই করো)।

1 / 20

(a) Leela knew

2 / 20

(b) What type of woman is Lachmin ?

3 / 20

(c) Jimmy decided to buy his wedding suit from

4 / 20

(d) A student, having no sense of beauty, keeps paper flowers in

5 / 20

(e) The unborn child of Elizabeth

6 / 20

(a) In 'Upon Westminster Bridge', the poet views the city

7 / 20

(b) In the poem 'Brotherhood' the night is

8 / 20

(c) The yellow light' is the poet's

9 / 20

(d) 'Dark' in the poem The Sick Rose', stands for

10 / 20

(e) In the poem 'Daybreak', the wind whispers to

11 / 20

(a) The duke, Orsino, confined to Cesario the account of his love for

12 / 20

(b) The offence committed by Antonio for which he was arrested was,

13 / 20

(c) The first of the three witches saluted Macbeth with the title of

14 / 20

(d) "Lesser than Macbeth and greater." The man who was talked about is

15 / 20

(e) Othello's tragedy lies in his

16 / 20

(f) When Rosalind came to know that Orlando was the son of her father's friend, she gave him

17 / 20

(g) Othello's first gift to Desdemona was a

18 / 20

(h) The Comedy of Errors' is set in the city of

19 / 20

(i) Oliver planned to murder Orlando after he won the wrestling match

20 / 20

(j) The fisherman who rescued Aegeon's wife and children from the storm were from

Your score is

The average score is 71%


1. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given : 1×5=5

(a) Leela knew—
(i) all the letters (ii) none of the letters
(iii) 10 or 12 letters (iv) 2 or 3 letters.

Ans. (iv) 2 or 3 letters.

(b) What type of woman is Lachmin ?
(i) Traditional (ii) Selfish (iii) Dogmatic
(iv) Aristocrat.

Ans. (i) Traditional

(c) Jimmy decided to buy his wedding suit from—
(i) Elmore (ii) Richmond Abbey
(iii) Little Rock (iv) Springfield

Ans. (iii) Little Rock

(d) A student, having no sense of beauty, keeps paper flowers in—
(i) earthen pots (ii) tea cups
(iii) flower vases (iv) used cocoa tins

Ans. (iv) used cocoa tins

(e) The unborn child of Elizabeth—
(i) was the first messenger of peace
(ii) was Jesus
(iii) recognized the Prince of England
(iv) was a hater of mankind.

Ans. (i) was the first messenger of peace

2. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : 1×5=5

(a) “I told you to take if off and put it in the box.”,What does ‘it’ refer to here ?

Ans. Here ‘it’ refers to gold chain.

(b) What was Mr. Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda ?

Ans. Does not seem to be a load sort – any rate, the fellow looks tidy.

(c) What was Sir Mohanlal’s profession ?

Ans. He was a vizier and a barristers.

(d) Where did Jimmy Valentine work during the ten months of his imprisonment ?

Ans. At prison shoe-shop.

(e) How will the time of ‘Art Festival’ in a school be decided ?

Ans.The time should be decided according to the location.

(f) What, according to Mother Teresa, is the importance of a smile ?

Ans. The importance of a smile in that it in the begening of love.

(g) Who struck Sir Mohanlal on the face ?

Ans. Jim struck Sir Mahantal an the face.

(h) How old was Agatha who got trapped inside the vault ?

Ans. Agatha was five years old.

(i) What, according to Nandalal Bose, is the object of education ?

Ans.The object of education is the total development.

(j) Whom should we love to love God as advised by St. John ?

Ans. As advised by St John, we should love our neighbours to love God.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each: 5×2=10

(a) “Sidda, come and play !”– Who is the speaker ? What would Sidda do when he heard this call ? What kind of games did the speaker play ? 1+1+3

(b) “Preposterous, preposterous !”– he shouted was the result ? Who shouted and why? What was the result ? 3+2

(c) “Mr. Ralph D. Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes………”– Who is Ralph D. Spencer ? What is Phoenix ? Why has the comparison been made ? 1+2+2

(d) What example did Nandalal Bose give to support his view that “The vitality of a work of art lies in its sense of beauty and order” ?

(e) “And she died with a smile on her face”– How did she die with a smile on her face ?

4. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given : 1×5=5

(a) In ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’, the poet views the city—
(i) in the morning (ii) at noon
(iii) in the evening (iv) at night.

Ans. (i) in the morning

(b) In the poem ‘Brotherhood’ the night is
(i) enormous (ii) dark (iii) short
(iv) silent.

Ans. (i) enormous

(c) The yellow light’ is the poet’s
(i) friend (ii) enemy (iii) companion
(iv) guiding light for destination.

Ans. (iii) companion

(d) ‘Dark’ in the poem The Sick Rose’, stands for
(i) innocence (ii) experience
(iii) natural (iv) unnatural.

Ans. (ii) experience

(e) In the poem ‘Daybreak’, the wind whispers to
(i) the rain (ii) the dead
(iii) the fields of corn
(iv) the belfry tower.

Ans. (iii) the fields of corn

5. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : 1×5=5

(a) What does the poet see from the Westminster Bridge ?

Ans. The poet sees the beauty of London city is the morning.

(b) How does the poet introduce himself in the poem ‘Brotherhood’ ?

Ans. The poet introduces himself as a man.

(c) What does the image ‘fiery ringlets’ suggest ?

Ans. The waves are compared with “feery ringlets”.

(d) Why is the worm called ‘invisible’ ?

Ans. The worm is called ‘invisible as it in secrect

(e) What did the wind urge the bell to do ?

Ans. The wind wiged the bell to awake and prolaim the hour.

(f) Whose voice responds to the tap at the pane ?

Ans. Lady love of the lover responds in Low voice.

(g) Who spells out the poet’s destiny ?

Ans. Someone spells out the poet’s destiny.

(h) How many fields will the poet have to cross before a farm appears ?

Ans. The poet will have to cross three fields before the farm appears.

(i) What garments did the city wear ?

Ans. “The city wore the beauty of the morning like garment.

(j) Why is the city of London silent and bare ?

Ans. The city of London is silent and love as the city in still asleep.

6. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each : 5×2=10

(a) “A sight so touching in its majesty” – What is the sight referred to here ? What does the poet feel about the sight ? Who would be dull of soul and why ? 1+1+3

(b) In the poem ‘Brotherhood’ what does the poet say about his position on earth ? What does the poet mean by “I too am written” ? How does he understand this ? 2+2+1

(c) “And a voice less loud…. beating each to each.”– Whose voice is referred to here ? Why is the voice full of joy and fear ? Describe the meeting. 1+1+3

(d) “Has found out thy bed of crimson joy” – Whom does the word ‘thy’ refer to ? What did he find and when ? What does the expression ‘crimson joy’ suggest ? 1+2+2

(e) Justify the title of ‘Daybreak’.

7. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answer from the alternatives given ( attempt any five) : 1×5=5

(a) The duke, Orsino, confined to Cesario the account of his love for
(i) Rosalind (ii) Ophelia (iii) Viola
(iv) Olivia.

Ans. (iv) Olivia

(b) The offence committed by Antonio for which he was arrested was,
(i) he had killed the Duke’s nephew
(ii) he had injured the Duke’s nephew
(iii) he had killed the Duke
(iv) he had injured the Duke.

Ans. (ii) he had injured the Duke’s nephew

(c) The first of the three witches saluted Macbeth with the title of
(i) Thane of Glamis
(ii) Thane of Cawdor
(iii) King of Scotland
(iv) Great General.

Ans. (i) Thane of Glamis

(d) “Lesser than Macbeth and greater.” The man who was talked about is
(i) Macduff’s father (ii) an Irish general
(iii) Malcom’s father (iv) Banquo.

Ans. (iv) Banquo

(e) Othello’s tragedy lies in his
(i) trust on lago (ii) pride (iii) cruelty
(iv) extreme love for Cassio.

Ans. (i) trust on lago

(f) When Rosalind came to know that Orlando was the son of her father’s
friend, she gave him
(i) a gold ring (ii) a gold coin
(iii) a gold chain (iv) a gold earring.

Ans. (iii) a gold chain

(g) Othello’s first gift to Desdemona was a
(i) fan (ii) gown (iii) book
(iv) handkerchief.

Ans. (iv) handkerchief

(h) The Comedy of Errors’ is set in the city of
(i) Illyria (ii) Syracuse (iii) Ephesus
(iv) Corinth.

Ans. (iii) Ephesus

(i) Oliver planned to murder Orlando after he won the wrestling match
(i) by burning him alive when he slept
(ii) by sprinkling poisonous juice on his clothes
(iii) by giving him poisonous food
(iv) by hiring assassins to kill him.

Ans. (i) by burning him alive when he slept

(j) The fisherman who rescued Aegeon’s wife and children from the storm were from
(i) Greece (ii) France (iii) Corinth
(iv) Spain

Ans. (iii) Corinth

8. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 100 words : 5×1=5

(a) Describe the first meeting of Olivia and Cesario.

(b) Why did Macbeth want to murder Banquo and his sons ? How was Banquo murdered ? 2+3

(c) Discuss how Othello’s love for Desdemona changed into mistrust in the story.

(d) Who was Aegeon? How did he arrive at Ephesus? What made the Duke pity on Aegeon ? 1+1+3

(e) Sketch how lago has been characterized in ‘Othello’.

9. A. Rewrite the following sentences as directed without changing their meanings: 1×7=7

(a) Sir, do you want a servant ? (Change the voice)

Ans. Sir, is a servent wanted by you ?

(b) All the mighty heart is lying still, (Change into Complex sentence)

Ans. All the heart that is mighty is lying still.

(c) Annabel’s pride in him almost equalled her affection. (Use Adjective form of ‘pride)

Ans. Annabel was proud of heim and it boxes almost qualled her affections.

(d) Mr. Sivasankar was unable to make up his mind. He called his wife. (Join into a single sentence)

Ans. Being unable to make up his mind, Mr. Sivasankar called his wife.

(e) I see in the hostel rooms shirts hanging from picture frames,” Nandalal Bose. (Change the mode of Narration)

Ans. Nandalal Bose says that he sees in the hostel rooms shirts hanging from picture frames.

(f) And so let us meet each other with a mile. (Change into negetive sentence)

Ans. And so let us meet each other, not without a smile.

(g) I have received something (Split into two simple sentences)

Ans. I have received something. I am grateful for that.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions : 1/2×6=3

The tail end …(1)….. ……(2)…… train appeared with ……(3)….. red light and ……(4)….. guard standing ….(5)…. the open doorway with the flags ……(6)…. hands.

Ans. of, the, a, the, in, in

10. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on “Tolerance”. 10

[ Hints: Introduction based on ‘Live and Let Live’ tolerance essential in a family life, social life and national life – tolerance ensures peace and prosperity – result of intolerance begets hostility and communal riots – conclusion]


Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Give your story a suitable title. 2+8

[A little boy – birthday – saw a beggar – received money from father as gift – went to buy toys – pale and hungry – boy’s heart softened – gave all money to him – found’s new joy.]

11. Draft an advertisement for the classified of an English daily in not more than 50 words for an essay competition on 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago speech, organized by a social activist club of your locality. 5


You want to provide accommodation to Student Paying Guest in your house. Draft an advertisement for the classified of an English daily in not more than 50 words giving details of the accommodation. 5

12. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a Mobile Phone Shop opening shortly in your area. 5


Design a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for an upcoming tour programme of a Travel Agency. 5

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