WBCHSE Class 11 English Solved Question Paper 2015 | একাদশ শ্রেণি ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র ২০১৫

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2015 English question paper with answers for class Eleventh students of West Bengal Council Higher Secondary Education. Question and Answers of the question paper are given below.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা সংসদের একাদশ শ্রেণির ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জন্য ২০১৫ সালের উত্তরসহ ইংরেজী বিষয়ের প্রশ্ন পত্র।

New Syllabus

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes
Full Marks : 80

Instructions to the Candidates :
1. Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.
2. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.
3. Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Class 11 English Mock Test 2015

Test Yourself (নিজেকে যাচাই করো)।

1 / 20

(i) Leela lost her

2 / 20

(ii) Lachmi stopped by a hawker's stall to buy

3 / 20

(iii) The number Jimmy got in the jail was

4 / 20

(iv) According to Mother Teresa, the greatest destroyer of peace today is

5 / 20

(v) Fine art liberates our mind from

6 / 20

(i) As ransom of his life Aegeon was demanded of

7 / 20

(ii) The Elder Antipholus lived at Ephesus for

8 / 20

(iii) Malcolm and Donalbain were the sons of

9 / 20

(iv) The witches looked like

10 / 20

(v) Othello had promoted Cassio to the rank of

11 / 20

(vi) The Turks had prepared to invade

12 / 20

(vii) Rosalind and Celia went to the Forest of Arden

13 / 20

(viii) Orlando was the youngest son of

14 / 20

(ix) Viola mourned the loss of her

15 / 20

(x) The place of the shipwreck was the coast of

16 / 20

(i) In 'Upon Westminster Bridge', the poet views the city

17 / 20

(ii) The invisible worm flies in the

18 / 20

(iii) The poet in the poem 'Brotherhood' feels that the night is

19 / 20

(iv) In the poem 'Daybreak', the wind crossed the churchyard with a

20 / 20

(v) The spurt of a lighted match, as described in 'Meeting at Night' is

Your score is

The average score is 79%


1. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given : [1×5=5]

(i) Leela lost her
(a) doll (b) diamond necklace
(c) ear ring (d) gold chain

Ans. (d) gold chain

(ii) Lachmi stopped by a hawker’s stall to buy
(a) Chapatti (b) Pan parag
(c) Betel leaves (d) Mango pickle

Ans. (c) Betel leaves

(iii) The number Jimmy got in the jail was
(a) 9627 (b) 9276 (c) 9762 (d) 9726

Ans. (c) 9762

(iv) According to Mother Teresa, the greatest destroyer of peace today is
(a) abortion (b) divorce
(c) drug-addiction (d) war

Ans. (a) abortion

(v) Fine art liberates our mind from
(a) joy and grief
(b) professionalism
(d) sorrows and conflicts

Ans. (d) sorrows and conflicts

2. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : [1×5=5]

(a) Why did Sidda leave the old master’s house ?

Ans. Sidda left the old master’s house because he left the town.

(b) Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky ?

Ans. Leela asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky.

(c) Whom did Sir Mohan meet in the compartment of the train ?

Ans. Sir Mohan met none in the compartment of the train.

(d) ‘Get the nigger out-Whom does the word ‘nigger’ refer to ?

Ans. The word ‘nigger’ refers to Sir Mohan.

(e) In which hotel did Jimmy engage a room in Elmore ?

Ans. Jimmy engaged a room in Planter’s Hotel.

(f) What did the clerk at the prison give Jimmy Valentine?

Ans. The clerk gave Jimmy a rail road ticket and five dollar bill.

(g) Who according to Mother Teresa can ‘teach us so many beautiful things ?

Ans. The poor can teach us so many beautiful things.

(h) What was the age of the boy who wanted to give his sugar to Mother Teresa?

Ans. The boy who wanted to give his sugar to Mother Teresa was 4 years old.

(i) On grounds of utility, what do the educated persons use in place of ‘(elegant) earthers pitchers’ ?

Ans. Educated persons use tin containers in place of earthen pitchers.

(j) What, according to Nandalal Bose, has our country’s economic decline followed closely?

Ans. Our country’s economic decline followed closely the decay of its functional arts.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each : [5×2=10]

(a) ‘Don’t send him away. Let us keep him in our house.’– Who was the speaker and to whom was it spoken? About whom was it said ? How did the person or persons spoken to react ? 1+1+1+2

Ans. Leela was the speaker and it was spoken to Mr. Sivasanker. It was said about Sidda Mr. Sivasanker accepted the request and kept sidda in their house.

(b) Give a brief description of the appearance of Lady Lal.


(c) ‘I had the most extraordinary experience with the Hindu family that had eight children.’ Which experience is Mother Teresa speaking of ?

Ans. In her nobel speech Mother Teresa narrates that once a gentleman informed her of a starving Hindu family of eight children and requested her to do something for them. Mother went to the household with some rice and could see the hunger in the faces of the children.

(d) How does a poor Santhal express his sense of beauty and order in his daily life ?

Ans. A poor Santhal sweeps and mops his hut, stacks his earthen pots and tattered quilts in order. Thus he shows his sense of beauty.

(e) What did Jimmy write to his old friend in St. Louis ? Why did he write so ? [3+2]

Ans. Staying at Elmore for a year , Jimmy became a successful businessman. When his marriage was settled with Annable Adams, he wrote a letter to his old friend Billy in St. Louis. He told Billy that he wanted to meet him on the next Wednesday night at Sullivan’s place, in Little Rock.He told him that he wanted him to wind up some little matter for him.He said that he wanted to make him a present of his burglary tools. Jimmy informed him that he had quitted the old business for the sake of the finest girl on earth whom he was going to marry two weeks from then. After his marriage he would sell out everything and settle in the West.

4. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given : [1×5=5]

(i) In ‘Upon Westminster Bridge’, the poet views the city
(a) in the morning (b) at noon
(c) in the evening (d) at night

Ans. (a) in the morning

(ii) The invisible worm flies in the
(a) afternoon (b) morning (c) evening
(d) night

Ans. (d) night

(iii) The poet in the poem ‘Brotherhood’ feels that the night is
(a) small (b) enormous (c) very small
(d) short

Ans. (b) enormous

(iv) In the poem ‘Daybreak’, the wind crossed the churchyard with a
(a) smile (b) about (c) cry (d) sigh

Ans. (d) sigh

(v) The spurt of a lighted match, as described in ‘Meeting at Night’ is
(a) grey (b) black (c) blue (d) yellow

Ans. (c) blue

5. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : [1×5=5]

(a) How does Wordsworth describe the beauty of the morning ?

Ans. Wordsworth describes the beauty of the morning as silent and bare.

(b) Which city, according to Wordsworth, is the fairest one ?

Ans. London city is the fairest one.

(c) How does Browning describe the half-moon ?

Ans. Browning describes the half moon as large and low.

(d) What is the colour of the sea in ‘Meeting at Night’ ?

Ans. The colour of the sea in “Meeting at Night” is grey.

(e) What destroys the life of the rose ?

Ans. Worm destroys the life of the rose.

(f) What does the rose stand for ?

Ans. The rose stands for innocence.

(g) What does the poet see when he looks up in the poem ‘Brotherhood” ?

Ans. The poet sees enormous night when he looks up.

(h) Who, according to Octavio Paz, writes the destiny of the man ?

Ans. The stars write the destiny of Man.

(i) Who announces daybreak in the poem ‘Daybreak” ?

Ans. The wind announces daybreak in the poem ‘Daybreak.”

(j) What did the wind touch in ‘Daybreak” ?

Ans. The wind touched the wood bird’s folded wing.

6. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each : [5×2=10]

(a) Justify the title of the poem ‘Meeting at Night’.

Ans. Meeting at Night is an excellent dramatic lyric .The title of the poem clearly suggests its theme . It is a short and relatively simple love poem. (Lover is keen on meeting his beloved .)A lover has possessed a strong desire to meet his beloved at night .So the lover is out in a cold moonlit night in a ship .He is to meet his beloved .The boat reaches the bay .The lover reaches the cottage of his beloved .To announce his presence he gives a tap on the window pane. He scratches on it. A little light of a lighted match dispels all darkness .Then comes a sound. It is but the soft response from inside .The beating hearts meet each other .At last come the meeting with grandeur and success .The suppressed excitement bursts into passion .The secret meeting of two hearts is deftly suggested by the title .The title emphasizes this sense of secrecy .Hence it is appropriate . So it is a right choice.

(b) ‘A sight so touching in its majesty’- What is the sight referred to here? How does the poet describe the sight’ ?

Ans.The sight refers to here the view of the city of London from Westminster Bridge as seen by the poet William Wordsworth early morning.

The poet has given a panoramic description of the city of London. The sight can be compared to any beautiful thing on earth. It will touch all hearts and appeal to the sensitive souls. The city looks splendid in the melted light of the golden sun. In its golden light everything looks marvelous to the poet under the smokeless air. The river Thames is flowing in its own course and even the houses of the city seems to be lying asleep. In fact, the city with its majestic beauty and calmness gives the poet infinite joy and deep calm.

(c) Bring out the central idea of the poem- ‘The Sick Rose”.

Ans. The poem ‘The Sick Rose’ is allegorical in nature. It means that it has a surface meaning and underneath it the poem conveys a message on moral issues. Outwardly we find that the poet warns a rose about its sickness. He tells the rose that an invisible worm has found its bed and with his dark secret love he is leading the rose towards death. But through this narrative the poet wants to convey the message that our innate innocence symbolized by the rose is destroyed by the worldly experience of lust and passion symbolized by the worm.

(d) Narrate the wind’s activities as presented in the poem ‘Daybreak’.

Ans. With the arrival of Daybreak, the sea-wind feels an urge to carry the message to the sleeping world. It first hails the sleepy ships. It calls the mariners and tells them to sail on. It swiftly blows over far off lands. It enters the forests and meets the trees. It tells them to shout and hang all their leafy banners out. It meets the wood- bird and encourages it to rise and sing. Then the wind blows over the farms. The house-cock is still ignorant of the coming morn. The wind tells it to blow its pipe and awakens others. Next, it reaches the cornfield. It tells it to bow down and salute the bright day. It passes through the church tower and invokes the church-bells to ring loudly to announce the day. Beside the church, there is a graveyard. The dead souls are inside the tomb. The wind feels pity for them. It tells them to enjoy eternal rest and sleep. Thus the wind motivates all to welcome the daybreak.

(e) Give the significance of the line ‘unknowing I understand’ in ‘Brotherhood’.

Ans. The line ‘Unknowing I understand’ in the poem brotherhood is very significant. The poet feels sad to think that he is in significant in the universe. His life time is very short and he is tiny creature in comparison to the vast universe. His life is nothing but a finite laps of time. The poet realises that his life is predestined and he understands it. He learns that he has a very special place in this huge universe. He also realises that without a single person the world would not be complete place. But, his such understanding cannot be explained by reason.

7. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alterna- tives given (attempt any five) : [1×5=5]

(i) As ransom of his life Aegeon was demanded of
(a) one hundred marks
(b) one thousand marks
(c) all his belongings
(d) five thousand marks

Ans. (b) one thousand marks

(ii) The Elder Antipholus lived at Ephesus for
(a) twenty years (b) eighteen years
(c) five years (d) two years

Ans. (a) twenty years

(iii) Malcolm and Donalbain were the sons of
(a) Macduff (b) Banquo
(c) the Thane of Cawdor (d) Duncan

Ans. (d) Duncan

(iv) The witches looked like
(a) charming ladies
(b) mad creatures
(c) unearthly creatures
(d) queens

Ans. (c) unearthly creatures

(v) Othello had promoted Cassio to the rank of
(a) General (b) Duke (c) Lieutenant
(d) Senator

Ans. (c) Lieutenant

(vi) The Turks had prepared to invade
(a) Cyprus (b) Africa (c) France
(d) Venice

Ans. (a) Cyprus

(vii) Rosalind and Celia went to the Forest of Arden
(a) in a carriage (b) in disguise
(c) with an army (d) on horseback

Ans. (b) in disguise

(viii) Orlando was the youngest son of
(a) Adam (b) Sir Rowland de Boys
(c) Frederick (d) Ferdinand

Ans. (b) Sir Rowland de Boys

(ix) Viola mourned the loss of her
(a) ship (b) brother (c) valuables
(d) relatives

Ans. (b) brother

(x) The place of the shipwreck was the coast of
(a) English Channel (b) Illyria
(c) Pacific Ocean (d) Atlantic Ocean

Ans. (b) Illyria

8. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 100 words each : [5×1=5]

(a) What led Desdemona to marry Othello ?

Ans. In the play Othello, Desdemona fell in love with and married Othello because of his stories. In Act I, scene 3, Othello explains to Brabantio that Desdemona often sat with him and listened to his stories about his life as a slave, his escape, and his adventures in the military.

(b) What was the mystery behind the moving of Birnam woods ?

Ans. The moving of the Birnam woods was a strange event. It was a part of Malcom’s strategy. The woods was not moving. The soldiers who were advancing towards the Macbeth’s castle cut down the branches of the trees to camouflage their advancement. When they were advancing, it seemed that the woods were moving. This was the mystery behind the moving of the Birnam woods.

(c) How was the banished Duke’s life in the Forest of Arden ?

Ans. The banished Duke lived a happy life in the Forest of Arden with his followers. They got accustomed to a lazy life in the forest. They felt more relaxing than the life of a court.

(d) Why was the Elder Antipholus denied entry into his own house ?

Ans. When younger Antipholous was having dinner with his brother’s wife, his elder brother, the real husband of Adriana returned home to dinner. But he was denied entry in his own hosue because Adriana told the servants not to allow any stranger in the house. When Elder Antipholous repeatedly begged for entry, the servants laughed at him. They told them that Antipholous and Dromio were already present in the house.

(e) Who was Olivia ? What saddened her ? Why did she not allow any visitor ?

Ans. Olivia, the daughter of a Count, was a virtuous lady. Orsino adored her, but she despised the sight and company of men.

Olivia was heartbroken when her father died a year ago, shortly after her dear brother died.

Olivia’s father died a year ago. She was also left behind to safeguard her dear brother, who died shortly after. She had been so distraught that she had determined to avoid the sight and company of men. That’s why she didn’t let anyone in.

9. (a) Rewrite the following sentences as directed without changing their meanings: [1×7=7]

(i) ‘Now, Valentine,’ said the warden, ‘you’ll go out in the morning’. [Change the mode of narration]

Ans. The warden told valentine that he would go out in the morning.

(ii) They picked up Sir Mohan’s suitcase. [Change the voice!]

Ans. Sir Mohan’s suitcase was picked up by then.

(iii) A bearer in white livery appeared through a wire gauze door. [ Turn into a complex sentence]

Ans. The bearer who was in white livery appeared through a wire gauze door.

(iv) Earth has not anything to show more fair. [Change into interrogative sentence]

Ans. Has earth anything to show more fair ?

(v) He got his key and went upstairs [Change into a simple sentence]

Ans. Having got his key, he went upstairs.

(vi) The engine gave another short whistle and the train began to move. [Split into two simple sentences]

Ans. The engine gave another short whistle. The train began to move.

(vii) Leela’s face became red. [Rewrite using the verb form of ‘red’]

Ans. Leela’s face reddened.

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions: `frac1{2}`×6=3`frac1{2}`

At dusk he carried her in and she held ….(1)…. class …..(2)….. him. She had a box filled …..(3)….. catalogues, illustrated books and stumps …..(4)….. pencils. It gave her great joy to play ……(5)…… teacher …..(6)…… Sidda.

Ans. a, for, with, of, the, to.

10. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on ‘A Film You Have Recently Seen’. [10]
[Hints: Name of the film – its director and cast – its subject/story – its effect on your mind – your comment]


A Film I have Recently Seen

Watching films is a cheap means of entertainment for a large number of people. It is also my favourite postime. The film I have recently seen is a Bollywood movie, “Tare Jameen Par”. The director and main actor of the film is Amir Khan, the perfectionist of Bollywood Cinema. 1 was totally fascinated by the film. The theme of the movie is mind-blowing. The main story of the cinema is the life and imagination of an eight year old school boy Ishan (Darsheel safary). Though he is good in art, his poor academic performance leads his parents to send him in a boarding school. His parents are like so called modern parents in our society who force him to fulfil their dreams by making him a doctor or an engineer. But in this new school the great teacher. Amir Khan realises him and helps him to overcome his problem. It is proven that God sends every child on this earth with a unique talent. We will have to realise that and nurture. This is the message of the movie.


Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Add a title to the story. [2+8=10]

A rich old lady becomes blind – calls doctor-doctor asks for huge fee – lady agrees to pay if cured – nothing if not cured-doctor comes daily – admires lady’s furniture – removes daims she is not fully cured – cannot see furniture in her house – judge understands – gives piece everyday – finally lady cured – refuses to pay doctor – doctor goes to court – lady verdict in her favour.


11. You have an old car which you want to sell. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words announcing the same with necessary details of the car. 5



A tata sumo Gold 2016 Model is on sale. Diesel varient. Dent Free. Well maintained. Price 3 Lakh. Interested persons may contact Mr. Banerjee between 6 pm. -8pm. M. 9831xxxxx


You want to provide accommodation to paying guests in your house. Draft an adver tisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more than 50 words giving detail of the accommodation. 5



Accomodation to paying guests available at Sonarpur, S 24 Parganas for students and Professionals (Only Female). Accomodation for two persons only. Guest will have to follow family rules Charges: 10k/Month. Willing persons may contact Mrs. yadav. M: 98310xxxx

12. Prepare in 50 words a commercial leaflet for a health and fitness institute. Mention the different discounts and bonus available for quarterly, half yearly and annual membership. [5]



(A health and fitness Institute) Membership available in city’s one of the modern and most furnished multigym All modern equipment. Separate fitness instructors for male and female. Extra discount available for quarterly, half yearly and annual membership.

Riverview Tower
3rd Floo, Champdani


Design a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a shop advertising dis- count sale of electrical and electronic products. 5


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