WBCHSE Class 11 English Solved Question Paper 2017 | একাদশ শ্রেণি ইংরেজি প্রশ্নপত্র ২০১৭

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2017 English question paper with answers for class eleventh students of West Bengal Council Higher Secondary Education. Question and Answers of the question paper are given below.
উচ্চমাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা সংসদের একাদশ শ্রেণির ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জন্য ২০১৭ সালের উত্তরসহ ইংরেজী বিষয়ের প্রশ্ন পত্র।

(New Syllabus)

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes
Full Marks : 80

Instructions to the Candidates :
1. Special credit will be given for answers which are brief and to the point.
2. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes, untidiness and bad handwriting.
3. Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Class 11 English Mock Test 2017

Test Yourself (নিজেকে যাচাই করো)।

1 / 20

(a) The mirror........... back at Sir Mohan.

2 / 20

(b) After his release from jail, jimmy committed his second burglary at

3 / 20

(c) Leela's mother found the gold chain in the

4 / 20

(d) Ralph Spencer was

5 / 20

(e) According to Mother Teresa, we can be taught many beautiful things by the

6 / 20

(a) "Meeting at Night" is

7 / 20

(b) How does Blake present the worm?

8 / 20

(c) In the beginning man sees himself in this vast universe as

9 / 20

(d) The wind blows in from

10 / 20

(e) The wind told the churchyard to

11 / 20

(a) "I am like a drop of water in the ocean" - Who said this ?

12 / 20

(b) The offence committed by Antonio for which he was arrested was

13 / 20

(c) Who accompanied Orlando when he ascaped?

14 / 20

(d) As Duke Frederick entered the forest he met a

15 / 20

(e) Macbeth was saluted as the 'thane of Glamis' by

16 / 20

(f) Othello accused Desdemona of being

17 / 20

(g) Viola, in the disguise of a boy, took the name

18 / 20

(h) The name of Macbeth's castle was

19 / 20

(i) Othello's first gift to Desdemona was a

20 / 20

(j) Macbeth was killed by

Your score is

The average score is 72%


1. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: 1×5=5

(a) The mirror……….. back at Sir Mohan.
(i) laughed (ii) mocked (iii) smiled (iv) replied

Ans. (iii) smiled

(b) After his release from jail, jimmy committed his second burglary at
(i) Logansport (ii) Jefferson City
(iii) Richmond (iv) Springfield.

Ans. (i) Logansport

(c) Leela’s mother found the gold chain in the
(i) turmeric pot (ii) red chilli pot
(iii) black pepper pot (iv) tamarind pot.

Ans. (iv) tamarind pot

(d) Ralph Spencer was
(i) the phoenix that arose out of Jimmy Valentine’s ashes
(ii) the banker
(iii) an alibi
(iv) the petty thief.

Ans. (i) the phoenix that arose out of Jimmy Valentine’s ashes

(e) According to Mother Teresa, we can be taught many beautiful things by the
(i) children (ii) professors
(iii) social workers (iv) poor.

Ans. (iv) poor.

2. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence : 1×5=5

(a) What did Sir Mohan have in the buttonhole of his shirt‌?

Ans. Sir Mohan had the carnation in the button-hole of his shirt.

(b) How much did Lachmi pay the coolie?

Ans. Lachmi paid two anna to the coolie.

(c) Who had pardoned Jimmy Valentine ?

Ans. The governor had pardoned Jimmy Valentine.

(d) What did Sidda do at Mr. Sivasankar’s house ?

Ans. Sidda washed clothes, tended the garden, ran errands, chopped wood and looked after Leela.

(e) What was Leela’s box filled with?

Ans. Leela’s box was filled with catalogues, illustrated books and stumps of pencils.

(f) What was the name of the guard in the prison ?

Ans. The name of the guard in the prison is Cronin.

(g) What is the utility of language ?

Ans. Language is an important man-made device that helps us to acquire knowledge or seek inner delight.

(h) What did Jimmy enjoy in the restaurant ?

Ans. Jimmy enjoyed a broiled chicken, a bottle white wine and a cigar in the restaurant.

(i) According to Mother Teresa who are very great people ?

Ans. According to Mother Teresa, the poor are very great people.

(j) Who cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph ?

Ans. Neither the educated nor the commoner can differentiate between a painting and a photograph.

3. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each: 5×2=10

(a) Sketch the character of Sir Mohan Lal.

Ans. From his conversations with himself in front of the mirror we find that Sir Mohan detested everything Indian and looked down upon them with pity and patronage. He found the Indians inefficient, dirty and indifferent. He was proud of himself for being distinguished, efficient and handsome. Sir Mohan, thus denied himself his own indentity. He was indiffer ent to the problems and sufferings of the Indians and of India his motherland. His pride was falsely founded on his feeling of superiority. He failed to understand of superiority. He failed to understand that the British looked down upon him in the same way he looked down upon Indians. Thus, he remained a snob in front of the mirror which smiled back at him as if to tell him that he would be taught a lesson soon.

(b) According to Nandalal bose how does the absence of a sense of beauty affect the society ?

Ans. One of the most celebrated artist of India Nandalal Bose has emphasized the importance of art in our education. He has shown how beauty and aesthetic sensibilities are connected to a person’s physical and mental well-being. The absence of the sense of beauty deprives man of aesthtiec expreience. It harms his physical and Metnal well-being. Those who lack this sense keep themselves and their surroundings filthy. They litter rub- bish everywhere, spit betel-juice on their walls, streets and even railway coaches. Thus they harm their own Health and that of others. Thus they contaminate society with disease and their hateful behaviour.

(c) Narrate the experience Mother Teresa had when there was great difficulty in getting sugar.

Ans. Once Mother Teresa faced a great difficulty in getting sugar in Calcutta. The word got around to the children. Any how a little Hindu boy of four years old heard this. He went home and told his parents that he would not eat sugar for three days. After three days his father and Mother brought him to Mother’s home to offer his share of sugar. Mother Teresa had never met them before. The little boy could not pronounce his name properly, but he could share his love..

(d) What did Jimmy valentine do from the time he got out of jail till he met Mike Dolan ?

Ans. The next morning Jimmy was released from the prison. The clerk handed him a railway ticket and the five dollar bill to rehabilitate himself and become a good citizen and prosper in life.

On the way he fed himself with chicken and wine before smoking a cigar better than that offered by the warden. Then he whiled away time to put to the depot and boarded the train to a small down. He entered the cafe of some Mike Dolan.

(e) “You are a bit of all right, old chap.” – Who is the speaker? Who has been referred to as ‘old chap’ ? What picture of the person’s character here, spoken to, is revealed in this line ? 1+1+3

Ans. Here the mirror in the first class waiting room is the speaker.

Sir Mohan Lal has been referred to as ‘old chap’.

From his conversations with himself in front of the mirror we find that Sir Mohan detested everything Indian and looked down upon them with pity and patronage. He found the Indi- ans inefficient, dirty and indifferent. He was proud of himself for being distinguished, effi- cient and handsome. Sir Mohan, thus denied himself his own indentity. He was indifferent to the problems and sufferings of the Indians and of India his motherland. His pride was falsely founded on his feeling f superiority. He failed to understand of superiority. He failed to understand that the British looked down upon him in the same way he looked down upon Indians. Thus, he remained a snob in front of the mirror which smiled back at him as if to tell him that he would be taught a lesson soon.

4. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct answers from the alternatives given: 1×5=5

(a) “Meeting at Night” is
(i) a love poem
(ii) an adventure poem
(iii) a war poem
(iv) a religious poem.

Ans. (i) a love poem

(b) How does Blake present the worm ?
(i) as evil
(ii) as dark and turbulent
(iii) as a passionate lover
(iv) as a pest.

Ans. (i) as evil

(c) In the beginning man sees himself in this vast universe as
(i) godly (ii) dominating
(iii) insignificant (iv) huge.

Ans. (iii) insignificant

(d) The wind blows in from
(i) the sea (ii) th mists
(iii) the seashore
(iv) the ships on the sea.

Ans. (i) the sea

(e) The wind told the churchyard to
(i) Lirico (ii) rico quietly (iii) lie quietly (iv) shout.

Ans. (iii) lie quietly

5. Answer any five of the following questions in a single sentence each : 1×5=5

(a) Where did the poet view the city ?

Ans. The poet, William Wordsworth, viewed the city in the early morning.

(b) What garment did the city wear ?

Ans. The city wears the beauty of the morning like a garment.

(c) What colour is the rose’s joy ?

Ans. The rose’s joy is crimson.

(d) During what time of the day does the worm fly ?

Ans. The worm, according to the poet Blake, flies at night.

(e) How does the poet express the magnitude of the night in ‘Brotherhood’ ?

Ans. The night is enormous in the poem ‘Brotherhood’.

(f) What does the poet of ‘Brotherhood’ see when he looks up ?

Ans. When the poet looks up, in the poem ‘Brotherhood’, he sees the stars.

(g) Where did the wind hurry to in ‘Daybreak’ ?

Ans. In ‘Daybreak’ the wind hurried towords the land.

(h) What did the wind ask the wood-bird to do ?

Ans. The wind asked the wood-bird to wake up and sing.

(i) “Dear God!”- What feeling does the expression convey ?

Ans. The exclamation shows the feeling of joy and wonder of the poet.

(j) Who, according to Octavio Paz, writes the destiny of man?

Ans. According to Octavio Paz, the stars write the destiny of man.

6. Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words each: 5×2=10

(a) “Earth has not anything to show more fair” – What prompts the poet to say so ?

Ans. The sight of the city of London in the early morning is very beautiful. The beautiful sicht has impressed the poet so much that the poet thinks no scene in the world is as beautiful as this sight of the city. Nothing can be compared to the beauty of the early morning sight of London.

The opening lines seems to be striking because the poet of Nature makes an unusual statement about the beauty of the city of London.

(b) Give an account of the lover’s journey to his beloved in ‘Meeting at Night’.

Ans. “Meeting at Night” describes the journery of a lover though sea and land to meet his beloved. In the half moon of the night, the sea looks grey while the land looks black. With the yellow moon visisble the sky, which looks large and low, the narrator sails towards the land in a boat. The waves looke like flaming ringlets in the moonlight. The narrator secures his boat in the slushy land. Then he walks through the beach which is a mile in length. He also crosses three fileds and reaches the farmhouse of his beloved. He reaches the place just to feel the presence of his beloved.

(c) Bring out the central idea of the poem, ‘The Brotherhood’.

Ans. The poem exposes the insignificance of human beign in the vast universe as well as the relationship between all entities of the world working organically. There is a cosmic force that binds everything in the universe. Human existance is only the passing of a period of time. Human knowledge cannot explain the cosmic laws that govern human life and activities because human ability to reason has its limitations. But we are all linked together in history. Every life has a purpose. Both the universe and humanity twined. They follow a rhythm. are inter-

(d) Justify the title of the poem ‘Daybreak’.

Ans. The title of Longfellow’s poem ‘Daybreak’ creates the crucial first impression of the theme. The theme of the poem is the arrival of day. Daybreak brings the first light of a day at the end of night. It brings a message of hope and joy. In the poem the poet also repre- sents a joyful picture at the beginning of the day. At daybreak a joyful wind awakens the world to a new, promising and beautiful day. It arises out of the sea, goes to different elemental forces of nature and urges all to prepare for the day and star their work. So the title is invariably significant.

(e) What is the allegorical significance of the poem ‘The Sick Rose’ ?

Ans. Blake’s poem, “The Sick Rose”, is an allegory of the fall from a state of childlike

innocence and happiness. The poem illustrates the poet’s vision of experience. Outwardly, it is a simple poem. It shows how a beautiful rose is attacked by a destructive worm on a stormy night. But it has a deeper meaning. Allegorically, the poem tells about the fall of an innocent woman. The woman, out of shame, feels sick after she loses her virginity to a very unfaithful and deceitful man. The worm presents the picture of the biblical image of Satan, the serpent, that tempted Adam and Eve and brought about their fall. Thus, the poem focuses on the fall of mankind from a state of innocence.

7. Complete the sentences which follow, choosing the correct anwer from the alternative given (attempt any five): 1×5=5

(a) “I am like a drop of water in the ocean” – Who said this ?
(i) Elder Antipholus
(ii) Antipholus Younger
(iii) Elder Dromio
(iv) Dromio Younger

Ans. (ii) Antipholus Younger

(b) The offence committed by Antonio for which he was arrested was
(i) he had killed the duke’s nephew
(ii) he had killed the duke
(iii) he had injured the duke’s nephew (iv) he had injured the duke.

Ans. (iii) he had injured the duke’s nephew

(c) Who accompanied Orlando when he ascaped?

(i) Oliver (ii) Frederick (iii) Adam (iv) Rosalind.

Ans. (iii) Adam

(d) As Duke Frederick entered the forest he met a
(i) dacoit (ii) fairy (iii) hermit (iv) clown.

Ans. (iii) hermit

(e) Macbeth was saluted as the ‘thane of Glamis’ by
(i) Banquo (ii) the first witch
(iii) the second witch
(iv) the third witch.

Ans. (ii) the first witch

(f) Othello accused Desdemona of being
(i) jealous (ii) selfish (iii) suspicious (iv) unfaithful.

Ans. (iv) unfaithful.

(g) Viola, in the disguise of a boy, took the name
(i) Antonio (ii) Oberon (iii) Cesario (iv) Sebastian.

Ans. (iii) Cesario

(h) The name of Macbeth’s castle was
(i) Dunsinan (ii) Inverness
(iii) Invernes (iv) Birnam.

Ans. (ii) Inverness

(i) Othello’s first gift to Desdemona was a
(i) fan (ii) gown (ii) book (iv) handkerchief.

Ans. (iv) handkerchief.

(j) Macbeth was killed by
(i) Malcolm (ii) Donalbain (iii) Macduff (iv) Banquo.

Ans. (iii) Macduff

8. Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 100 words : 5×1=5

(a) How did Rosalind win Orlando’s heart ?

Ans. In ‘As You Like It’ Rosalind met Orlando just before the wrestling match in which

Orlando stood against a practiced wrestler. At the Duke’s suggestion, Rosalind along with Celia tried to resist him from taking up such an unequal challenge. Rosalind’s kind words made Orlando more determined. Orlando made it clear that there was none to lament for him. So Rosalind had a strong inclination towards him because she felt pity for his friendless condition. It seemed that she had almost fallen in love for him. Inspired by the ladies Orlando achieved miraculous victory. After the match when it was discovered that Orlando was the youngest son of her father’s friend, Rosalind was so pleased that she gave him her chain from her neck. Thus Rosalind’s pity transformed into love for Orlando and as a result she won Orlando’s heart.

(b) Bring out the significance of the opening scene of “Macbeth”.

Ans. ‘Macbeth’ opens with the return of two Scottish Generals, Macbeth and Banquo, from the great battle amidst thunder and lightning. On the way they were stopped by three witches who were singing:

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair,
Hover through the fog and filthy air.”

The first witch greeted Macbeth as “the thane of Glamis”; the second as “the thane of Cawdor”; and the third told him, “You will be the king of Scotland hereafter.” They predicted tha Banquo whould be “lesser than Macbeth and greater, not so happy but much happier.”

While such a prophetic greeting by the witches kindled hope in Macbeth, it made Banquo realize that the witches were “ministers of darkness”. The atmosphere of thunder and lightning symbolically stands for disorder that followed. The opening scene strikes the keynote of the play by giving hints to the chaotic condition that prevailed after Macbeth became the king. It marks an admirable beginning of this play of crime and punishment.

(c) Why did Othello decide to kill Desdemona and himself?

Ans. lago was successful to make Othello suspicious of Desdemona about her relation with Cassio, and turn the gentle qualities of the innocnet lady into her destruction. Then he pointed out that he had seen Cassio to wipe his face with the straberry-spotted handkerechief given to Desdemona by Othello as his first gift. This subtle trick made Othello mad and he killed Desdemona in her bed.

But when the plot of lago was revealed, and Othello could know that his lady was quite innocent, he felt that hew was no better than a murderer. As a result, extreme anguish made his life unbearable, and he killed himself, and fell upon the lifeless body of his dear lady.

(d) Why did Lady Macbeth plot to kill the king ? What did Macbeth say to oppose her ? 2+3

Ans. Lady Macbeth was a ruthless and ambitious woman. The prediction of the witches made her so excited that she thought of murdering Duncan as a step towards fulfilment or their flattering prophecy. She motivated Macbeth by giving multiple reasons.

Macbeth considered various reasons against the murder of the king. Firstly, Macbeth was not only a subject, but a near kinsman to the king. Secondly, he had been the king’s host and entertainer that day and to murder the king was against the laws of hospitality. Thirdly, Duncan the king was just and merciful. Finally, because of the king’s favour, Macbeth was held in high esteem throughout kingdom.

(e) What information given by the Captain consoled Viola ? What plan did Viola think of to reach the Duke ? How did the Captain help her in this ? 1+1+3

Ans. In ‘Twelfth Night’ Viola, landing safely after shipwreck, began to lament as she got separated from her brother, Sebastian. The captain consoled her with the assurance that when the ship was wrecked, he had seen her brother floating away, tied to a mast. The caption also said that so long he could see him, Sebastain was afloat on the waves. This information given by the captain comforted Viola.

Viola thought of the plan of getting dressed in man’s attire to reach the Duke. Observing the fair behaviour and friendly concern of the captain Viola gave him money and instructed him to provide her with suitable dress of the same colour and fashion that her brother

Sebastain used to wear. When Viola dressed herself in the new clothes the captain took her to Orsino under the feigned name, Cesario.

9. (A) Rewrite the following sentences as directed without changing their meanings: 1×7=7

(a) “No, he hasn’t taken it !” Leela screamed. (Change the mode of narration)

Ans. Leela screamed saying emphatically that he had not taken it.

(b) Fine art liberates our mind. (Change the voice)

Ans. Our mind is liberated by fine art.

(c) They are hurt because they are forgotten. (Split into two simple sentences)

Ans. They are forgotten. They are hurt.

(d) And then Ben Price acted rather strangely. (Rewrite using the adjective from of ‘strangely’)

Ans. And then Ben Price acted rather in a strange manner.

(e) As soon as he had gone, she hailed a passing railway coolle. (Change into a negative sentence)

Ans. No sooner had he gone than she hailed a passing railway coolie.

(f) He stopped near the well and pointed down. (Change into a simple sentence)

Ans. Stopping near the well he pointed down.

(g) It will be wrong on our part to expect. (Change into a negative sentence)

Ans. It will not be right on our part to expect.

(B) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions: 1/2×6=3

Four days ……(1)…… just as Father coming home ……(2)…… the office, ……(3)…… police inspector and …….(4)….. constable bought ……(5)….. Sidda. Sidda stood ……(6)….. bowed head.

Ans. later, from, a, a, in, with

10. Write a paragraph in about 150-200 words on ‘Friendship’. 10

[ Hints: A bond among persons – need of friendship – choice of friends – things that help friendship exist ]



Man cannot live alone. He seeks the society of others. He needs some friends to whom he can open his heart without any reservation. Indeed his joy loses half its charm if there is no friend to share it. His sorrow becomes doubled if he has no friend to sympathise with him. This shows why friendship is valued so much in our life.

Friendship is intimacy between two perssons or attachment of one person for another. It is based on love and affection. It often springs from the sameness of taste, feeling and sentiment. It may be formed from close contact. It may also be a chance affair. Frienship, if it is genuine, lasts till the end; while false friendship is fleeting.

A true friend is a priceless treasure in our life. He is always with us in our need. He stands by us in both weal and woe. When we are in distress, he does not desert us. He shares our sorrows and misfortunes. He bears with our weakness and lapses. And even if we do anything wrong or go astray, he does not hate or avoid us. He tries to correct us and give us his advice. He remains with us in our days of prosperity as well as adversity. Even if the whole world casts us off, he will not leave us. He is ready to sacrifice his own interest for our sake.

We may be surrounded by a lot of companions, but all of them are not our true friends. Really speaking, selfless friends are really scarce. It is hard to know the true character of friends during our happy days. They come and court our favour by flattering us when we are well off. Their true nature comes out when we fall on evil days. So, there goes the proverb: “Prosperity brings friends, but adversity tries them.” We should beware of false friends. They are more dangerous than even our known enemies.


Develop the following outline into a short story in about 150 to 200 words. Give your story a suitable title.” 2+8

[Three artists compate for a prize – the first paints a bunch of flowers – bees are drawn to it – the second paints fruits and an ox tries to eat them — the third a curtain and the judge goes to lift it – the third wins the contest.]



There lived in a certain town three painters whose fame spread far and wide. People flocked to the city from distant places lo see their paintings. All of them were so good at their work that it was very difficult to say who was the best of the three. So it was decided that each of them was to draw a picture and judges would be appointed to decide who had produced the best work.

One of the painters painted a bunch of beautiful flowers that looked so natural that bees were attracted by them. This impressed the judges who praised the artist for his skill in painting. Everyone thought that his work would be considered the best of all.

The second painter painted fruits which looked so natural that an ox tries to eat them. Seeing this the judges were struck dumb with wonder. When they went to see what the third painter had produced, he pointed to a curtain at a little distance. The judges ‘thought that the picture was behind the curtain and so they proceeded to raise the curtain. They were greatly surprised to find that it was only the picture of a curtain painted on the wall. This picture was adjudged the best, as it had deceived men, whereas the other two had deceived only ox and bees.

11. You want to conduct cookery classes. Draft an advertisement for the classified columns of an English daily in not more then 50 words announcing the same with necessary details. 5

Ans. Amit starts three months Diploma course in Cookery on Indian, Chinese and Continental dishes. Satisfaction guaranteed. For enrolment and other queries call: 9834729878


A reputed language cetre begins its 6 months Spanish course. Insert an advertisement in the newspaper mentioning the necessary details in not more than 50 words. 5

Ans. The Spanish Institute starts 7th batch of 6 months Spanish course form 12 July, 2017. Eminent faculty, smart classrooms, reasonable fees and assured placement. For details call: 9876##8947

12. Prepare a commercial leaflet in not more than 50 words for a car showroom opening shortly in your area. 5

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